Ramona Pago: yeh do u think this is correct:? i wrote for last question in part D because temp so high dangerous cuz bottle cover can fly off....dont ask y i did that... oh this regent was so much harder than the ones i did.. i did 8 and this waz the hardest.. and for the pregnate women one i did that thats when baby begins to develope starts growing so affected the most.. is that wrong.. dont tell me?also for dandelion i wrote somtin abt the wind blowing dont exactly rem... the thing about abiotic factor and energy can someone explain the answer i wrote resporation...Show more
Branden Round: well i don't know the answer but it was hard especially about the allergies that one surprised me for completely and the plant cell i put chloroplasts but pointed at the wrong part.oh well i hope i do good and good luck for all of you =] now to take geometry on Thursday uhh
Michel Mccaulley: multiple choice:here are my answers, note they may not all be right (i guessed on! a few)1. 3/2/4/2/3/2/3/39. 1/4/2/2/1/3/3/217. 1/3/2/3/2/4/325. 3/2/1/3/3/231. 3/2/4/1/2/4/3/339. 2/1/3/3/147. 2 49. 2 50. 273. 3/2/3/281. 3 82. 4...Show more
Josefine Weekey: According to castlelearning, the answer to the test tube one was that the tube could explode when heated.
Vickie Clampett: For the pregnant woman question, the medicine should've been taken in late pregnancy because 3-6 weeks into pregnancy is where the organs are being developed. But late pregnancy, it wouldnt been AS affect as it would in 3-6 weeks. But if taken late pregnancy, the baby would have Down Syndrome. :)
Indira Wassell: Okay we have mostly the same answers, except for 5 of the ones above. For the peanut allergy question the answer is histamines...Histamines are released by the immune system and attack foreign substances, similar to how the immune system rejects organs. The one about high school kids driving their cars to school, I explained how t! he greenhouse gases (CO2) are released by cars and in increase! d number of cars will lead to increased CO2 in the atmosphere which traps heat in the earths atmosphere and causes an increase of average temperature which is melting the ice at the poles of the earth. The one with the fetus, the organs are developed during the early period and are more affected in their development then in their growth later on. The dandelion one, there are probably several acceptable answers as to why it didn't travel, I put because the dandelions are only 1 cm tall so the seeds couldn't fly over the grass around them, which is taller. The stopper on the test tube would prevent the gases from flowing out of the test tube, into the air, this would cause a build up in pressure which could be dangerous because it would cause the stopper to explode....Show more
Tyree Allenbrand: Taking college english next year and would like to know what you do in that class.
Lourie Mcroberts: I thought the regents was pretty easy, if I say so.A lot of my friends! /class mates said that they really hated the peanuts and pregnant women question.Even the smarted girl in my entire grade was asking me what I got for the pregnant women thing. She was like that's the only one I completely BS it.
Donte Liversedge: For the peanut one... I put HISTAMINE triggers the response and IMMUNE SYSTEM
Ronald Moehr: I am planning to apply to Cornell early decision this fall. The application due date is November 1st and requires an SAT Mathematics subject test (for their School of Hotel Administration), however the soonest I can take the test is November 2nd due to an SAT retake on October 5th.Would I still be able to send my subject test score to Cornell?
Douglass Sarley: for the peanut one, i put pathogen and for the part about the walnut, i put because walnuts have different antigens on their surface. i had no idea. it was kinda hard. what did people put for the one where it had all different species in a web and was like which spec! ies is most likely a decomposer? i put species c. for the pregnant woma! n, i put because the fetus is still developing at weeks 3-6. i think that it right because i had a test before in class on the reproductive system and there was a similar question and that was the answer. for the bottle one, i put because it would explode from the pressure. the other tests i took were easier though....Show more
Matt Tiry: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=201106...&for the lawn mower one, Iput since they were shorter they may not be eaten by predictors, i know that wasnt the best choice but there are more then one things that can be accepted as correct
Woodrow Neyman: Please note that this question is directed towards CORNELL UNIVERSITY rather than colleges in general.
Roni Kurz: Ehh kinda hard. For the dandelion one I put mutations then the wind didn't spread the seeds then the dandelion killed the grass and was harming it and the they had a adnVtage bc there was more of them so they can overpopulated the taller dandelions
Filiberto Ranalli: From the Scoring Key and Rating Guide:44)- Increase the number of natural predators of the insect- Use a biological control- use flypaper or traps45) -Most organs begin to develop between weeks 3 and 6, whereas, in late pregnancy, these organs are fully formed- In late pregnancy, major organs would already have been formed and less damage would occur46) You only have to draw the arrows (Labeling isn't necessary) But the answers are Cell Wall; Vacuole and Chloroplast.48) Yes because the person is overweight (higher than 25)51) it results in a smaller gene pool, reduces variety available for selection within populations, tall varieties would not have a chance to reproduce, removes genes for tallness from the population52) Graph53) Graph54) 90 Degrees Celsius 55) Temperature56) Immune System57) Antigen; Protein; Allergen58) One type of antibody only reacts one type of antigen- Antibody reactions are specific- walnuts and peanuts have different proteins or c! hemicals59) They both stimulate immune responses/ designed to attack fo! reign objects60) Something related to CO 2, Burns more fossil fuel, exhaust from the cars, etc61) Mutation; Changes in DNA; Recombination of genes62) seeds from plants with shorter stems are less likely to be carried by the wind- short dandelions do not have an adaptation needed for survival in the other areas of the lawn- the seeds from the shorter dandelion did not land there63) the dandelions out compete the grass for the same limited resources- the dandelions are better adapted for survival- the dandelions shade the grass64) Short dandelions are less likely to be cut down by a lawnmower- short dandelions will be left to reproduce65) Organisms higher up in the food chain have a high concentration of toxins because they eat more of the organism lower in the food chain and build up the concentration on their tissue- Predators have a high concentration because they eat organisms that have already accumulated toxins.66_ Pass laws to force individuals.companies to stop pollut! ing- reduce runoff of environment hazards from farms, roadways, parking lots, etc- remove the toxins from the environment- develop non toxic alternatives to these chemicals67) reduces genetic information from each parent by half, something to that effect68) this process ensures that offspring will have all the genetic info need, restores the full number of chromosomes characteristic of the species- full set of chromosomes, etc something to that effect69) Doctors should prescribe antibiotics only for bacterial infections- patients should not use antibiotics w/o a doctor's advice- follow doctor's prescription- do not use antibiotics for viral infections71) Organisms lose habitats, Species are removed, species might become extinct 72) Plants absorb CO2, hence, the less plants there is, the higher amount of C02 is in the air which contributes to global warming (or greenhouse effect)77) Species A78) Species C, it became extinctSpecies D, it is no longer aliveSpecies E, do not co! ntinue to the present79) Enzymes; Restriction Enzymes; Biological Catal! yst80) W and Z; 4 of the 5 bands are identical, greatest number of matching bands83) pulse rate varies with activity level- her body was maintaining homeostasis- her heart beats faster when she is more active- she used more energy resulting in an increased pulse rate84) increased pulse rate increases the availability of food and oxygen to cells- increases the removal of wastes from cells, pulse rate indicates activity level of the body, additional food and oxygen is provided to the body cells - removal of wasted from cells increases85) It could explode, the stoppers could pop out and injure someoneMC Answers (sorry dont have the questions)3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2Part B13, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3Part B22, 2, 2Part D3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1...Show more
Rosalia Hibler: You need to ask the admissions office for factsThey will not review your application until all documentation is in. Do you really want to mess this up w! ith wrong facts. Call the school and ask
Somer Distilo: I thought the regent was relatively easy.For the peanut one: a) I wrote antigens trigger the response. Many kids in my grade wrote antibodies, however, I think the answer was antigens, since it asked what TRIGGERS the immune system to respond (immune system was the answer to the system question). Antibodies is the RESPONSE to the triggering, however, the specific shape of the antigens is what the body recognizes as foreign and marks for killing by releasing antibodies. b) The similarity between the allergic reaction and the transplanted organs is that in both of these cases, antigens are marked as foreign and are "rejected".For the plant cases, with the tell and short ones, I wrote an advantage of the short ones were that they were very thick and therefore could stay upright in a strong wind. ----------- Oh yeah, what was the answer for the question on the part A with a chromosome and there were diseases labeled ! (such as sickle cell disease)? Was it a protein or genetics? I wrote ge! netics.....Show more
Terrell Lawman: It doesn't really matter. I took both, and passed both, but I don't think it makes a difference.They're both remotely related, but separate enough that there's no real advantage to taking one or another first.Good luck!!!...Show more
Evelin Turlich: Okay, so I'm kind of freking out.For the Peanut one I put- Immune System, Antibodies, and the body recognizes the peanut as a foreign invador but not the walnut.For the stopper one-It will blow up because the gases won't be able to escape.For the dandelion one(i think i messed up)- Mutation, the wind will not be very strong so low in the grass, and the short ones seeds will definitely stay in the field where they can grow but the long ones seeds may go farther and go on to the pavement or somewhere else they cannot grow.I know this sounds bad, but I didn't get the one about the coral, i put-positive for both...Show more
Stevie Goldey: 1
Rebeca Mckin: If it's English 10! 1 or the equivalent, you'll be learning to write basic research essays and working on structure and MLA formatting.
Tom Romer: Mel: They had an advantage because they didn't get hit by the lawn mower.
Coleman Deliberato: i think a lot of people messed up on the peanut question. i did too. i put immune system, pathogens (thats wrong i think), that there is something specific that you are allergic to in the peanut but not in the walnut .___.what did you guys get for the link b/w abiotic and all the energy for the ecosystem? was it photosynthesis or decomposers?
Tyrone Disanti: Yeah i got the same for dandelion and test tube, I had a problem with the Peanut one. I know it sounds stupid, but I didn't know what the answer to the one with "what is the specific type of molecule that triggers an allergic reaction?" Now, I know that it is an allergen, so I feel like an idiot.... I first put protein, then I changed it to antigen, and then finally I changed it to Pa! thogen..FML.
Francis Stickle: yes
Adrian Paraz: what did you! get for "what do catalyst,hormone and receptors have in common to function?" i put that it was supposed to have an amino acid chain that made shapes for the fuctions...for the pregnant one i said that: the cells were being formed and the baby was being formed an the tranquilizer could cause it to have mutations that are bad.and yes its phtosynthesis...oh and what did you get on why the short dandelions on one side grew and did not on the other?Source(s):i just took it...Show more
Coleman Senn: June 2011 Regents
Mitsuko Manne: This Site Might Help You.RE:2011 June Living Environment Regents Answers?Just took the test this morning.. Does anyone remember questions/answers to the June 2011 Living Environment...Show more
Isreal Kochheiser: Hey what did you guys get for the one with "a tree was planted in an abandoned field"for me the 2 choices I narrowed it down to was 2. dynamic equalibrium will not be reachedand3. Genetic varibility would not be present...Sh! ow more
Robin Tommie: I need to CLEP and DSST Financial Accounting and Principals to Finance, which should I take first to get a better idea of the second test?