
How many "studies" will come out over the next few years to tell Americans how "bad" their health care and/or

Karl Jantzen: a lot.

Roni Kurz: Probably loads. What you need to do is look at those already done.The USA is the most powerful country in the world. But health care sucks. For the average person, you are more likely to live longer if you are born in Costa Rica, Jordan, Puerto Rico and Cuba than you are if you are born in the USA.And look at the infant mortality rates. (These stats are harder to compare as there are differences in how countries record infant deaths.) The USA, again despite being the richest country in the world has a higher infant mortality rate than Cuba.Think about it. Go on, really think. Is that something to be proud of?(I live in the UK where we have 'universal' health care, and also, have to option to also pay for private treatment if we so wish.)...Show more

Hyman Coren: Everyone in the health care industry has known for many years how bad things are and how bad they've gotten.It's just suddenly reached the attention of the popula! ce.And "studies" are the proper way to get information -- as long as the information is accurate -- that's the whole concept of making an informed decision....Show more

Eliseo Luma: a lot, you bet.

Lynn Melbourne: Sources such as the CDC and WHO are non-partisan and have only health as an investment. The health care system has been messed up for years and it is only now reaching a level where people realize that there must be change.Why are we satisfied with having 3rd world level care?

Brice Greczkowski: Health care with the new improvements and such is really a Miracle in itself. Many in the profession have NO business caring for People, animals or Plants for that matter. But then on the other hand many patients don't deserve the care that is provided. Then too with the reports out saying that were falling behind in how long we live compared to other counties and areas Look around at People me included. Over weight, out of shape types. Eating wrongly an! d no exercise how can one expect a better life......Show more

Krystal Cordovano: Some health care is very good, you just can't afford it. More than half the bankruptcies in the State of California (or as da Schwartz says it "Calli- I phone- yah) are due to excessive medical industry price fixing.

Gordon Showes: Other directed health care is an oxymoron. The vast majority of disease is caused by life style habits and no amount of surgery/drugs will cure them. Prevention is the only economical/rational choice.

Alise Rutgers: I want the freedom to chose who I buy my healthcare from..universal health care would become another government bureaucracy and we know the government would screw it up..I'll pass

Chauncey Williama: The work has already been done. It has been done by the World Health Organization a division of the United Nations that regularly monitors and compares the health of populations around the globe. The World Health Organization has no political agenda and gathers this data to monitor epidemiology wh! ich in turn predicts areas rife for armed conflict. In the last study completed about 3 years ago, the United States came in 36th behind all other industrialized countries. The study pointed out, among other things, that infant mortality in the US is higher than in Italy, higher than in Argentina and in the US five largest cities, infant mortality is higher than in India.The study went on to report that US Citizens pay more out of pocket for health care than any country on the planet.Makes you proud doesn't it?...Show more

Lu Tiner: What I like about them, is what are you supposed to do about it when your insurance company denies services or coverage?The surgeon general tells you to go get a mammogram every year, you try to do that and your insurance company says no. WTF?Can't we get on the same page, medical community?...Show more

Omar Phipps: When will people realize that the government is never or should never be the answer for health care. You look at other! countries who so called have a "better health care system" than the US! , and then look how they take of themselves. They have excellent diets rich in fiber and anti-oxidants. The reason people are crying out for change in the US healthcare, it's becoming too expensive to live your Fast-Food, State-Fair lifestyle and diet, and you'd rather spend money on cars and houses you cannot afford, and you try to impress people you dont even like. Somebody else in this forum said prevention is where it should start, and they are exactly right. Blame the FDA for putting all these garbage choices on the aisles of your grocery stores. They are to take most of the blame next to yourselves!!!...Show more

Bob Nakamoto: Only those "studies" produced by Michael Moore and his Socialist ilk.

