
Learning to remodel my home?

Angel Klym: No person with a sound mind will do this. You need urgent help. Share this with ur parents plz.worrying abt u really.

Buster Buchko: i think your question should be in the computer category.

Coleman Coscia: Get a job with a remodeling company. watch and learn. in a few months you will know enough to get you by. a lot of things in remodeling are not just copy and paste you have to figure them out as you go. this is true no matter how much experience you have. So learn the basics, and start thinking and figuring out.

Boyce Gilhooly: I believe in empowerment of the individual. I have created courses designed to empower you on this subject. I think you could get a bunch of skills training out of what is available at the resource below.Here's to your independence,Noah...Show more

Rosalba Lingner: www.diychatroom.com contains a vast amount of information. I would suggest reading up to gain some general knowledge and then educate yourself f! or each individual project as you tackle them. e.g. to re-paint a room you should know a little drywall and how to paint, etc.

Jeannine Vassie: Hire a carpenter to do the work and watch. You will never learn enough in collage. hands on training is the best way to learn. You will go broke buying all the tools that you need

Caterina Yeargan: You could buy or take out books on the subject from the library, and if you are handy you may be able to accomplish many of the tasks yourself, but there is no substitute for experience. You will make mistakes along the way and many of them may be costly ones! A great way to learn would be to work for someone else for awhile to gain some experience and learn some "tricks of the trade"

Jorge Gerrero: I cant figure out how to make this paddle bigger 10% of the time i gotten to the 10% random number generator but what code do i use to make the width of the paddle different. (Using GreenFoot) Here is my codeimport greenfoo! t.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, and Greenfoot)import j! ava.awt.Color;import java.util.List;/** * A ball is an object that can hit other objects and bounce off the * edges of the world (except the bottom edge). It will bounce off of * a paddle as well. * * @author Barbara Ericson Georgia Tech * @version 1.0 April 6, 2007 */public class Ball extends Actor{ //////////// fields ///////////////////////////// /** the radius of this ball */ private int radius = 10; /** the width of this ball (diameter) */ private int width = radius * 2; /** the color of the ball */ private Color color = Color.BLACK; /** the amount of change in x during each act */ private int velX; /** the amount of change in y during each act */ private int velY = 3; ////////////////// constructors ///////////////////// /** * Constructor that takes no arguments */ public Ball() { velX = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) + 2; if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(2) == 0) ! velX = -1 * velX; updateImage(); } /** * Constructor that takes initial values for all fields * @param theRadius the radius to use * @param theColor the color to use * @param theVelX the amount to change in X per act * @param theVelY the amount to change in Y per act */ public Ball(int theRadius, Color theColor, int theVelX, int theVelY) { radius = theRadius; color = theColor; velX = theVelX; velY = theVelY; updateImage(); } ///////////////////// Methods /////////////////////////////// /** * Balls will move and check if they have hit a brick or paddle or * one of the edges of the world */ public void act() { BreakoutWorld world = (BreakoutWorld) getWorld(); // move the ball setLocation(getX() + velX, getY() + velY); // check if hit any object and it wasn't the message Actor actor = this.getOneIntersecti! ngObject(Actor.class); if (actor != null && !(actor instanceof M! essage)) { /* bounce off of the object */ velY = -(velY + 2); /* if it was a brick then remove it and check if won */ if (actor instanceof Brick) { world.removeObject(actor); world.checkIfWon(); } } // check if hit walls if (getX() - radius velX = -velX; else if (getX() + radius >= BreakoutWorld.WIDTH) // right wall velX = -velX; else if (getY() - radius velY = -velY; else if (getY() + radius >= BreakoutWorld.HEIGHT) // bottom wall { world.removeObject(this); world.newBall(); } public Paddle // BONUS!!!! if (actor instanceof Brick) int number getRandomNumber } /** * Method to create the image and set it for the ball * If you change the ball width or color you should! * invoke this again */ public void updateImage() { GreenfootImage image = new GreenfootImage(width,width); image.setColor(color); image.fillOval(0,0,width-1,width-1); setImage(image); }}...Show more

Lenard Ginyard: you are crazy....no ssane person would like t harm himself...

Ulrike Hert: I agree with the answers advising you to attend the short demonstrations at hardware stores and to watch DIY shows on television. Libraries and bookstores have lots of titles that can help, too. But my advice is to start small. Pick an easy room such as a dining room or bedroom and start making your changes there. Painting the walls and trim are good starting projects. Upgrading light fixtures is also a good starter job. Be sure to turn off the power at the fuse or breaker. You can learn to lay tile yourself, or wood floors, but because of the physical exertion, I would hire carpet installation. As you slowly accomplish the! simpler tasks and acquire tools you'll have the confidence and ability! to take on the larger or more complicated jobs. Just remember to take your time and not be afraid to ask questions when you go buy materials and tools. Good luck....Show more

Nicolas Cooley: Turn off the water supply under the sink and remove the push buttons. They are spring actuated and there MAY be an adjustment nut you can turn to allow more flow before shutting off.

Georgia Dees: Wow. Get help till now somebody gets particularly harm!! I recommend, stitches are a situation. the 1st element you ought to do is placed the knives away, off the counter, in a drawer or cabinet. possibly lock the block up -- in case you do no longer use them frequently -- till this occasion is resolved. you could continuously placed the two you utilize maximum in a drawer and something thoroughly away. Small, momentary cost to pay for somewhat peace. then you might desire to call somebody who facilitates with this form of element. an answer above reported a clergyman or ghost p! rofessional. There are additionally people who can carry out domicile cleansing, basically discover a reliable one. this could require extra desirable than somewhat sage nevertheless. somebody who has adventure with malevolent entities. From what you're writing, if those issues are quite happening, then the spirit is making an attempt to enable you recognize something. i'm questioning, "Get out." yet, if it follows you anyplace you're, then it quite isn't any longer staying "domicile" as quickly as you leave. So, there is yet another message. you ought to aim speaking to it and letting it understand you're no longer shifting and it won'tchronic you out and additionally you all will might desire to discover some thank you to coexist. you're no longer attempting to take its area. yet, i'm unsure that's the message or if that isn't basically make it angrier. additionally, could every person you recognize deliver something undesirable at you? every person which you recognize in! to necromancy or the different variety of the myriad issues that are ac! cessible to call up undesirable spirits? every person who needs to ruin your happiness? If no longer, is there something the two of you have dabbled in which you possibly don't have and extra this entity to you? Any places you have been? surgical treatment? injuries? it may be powerful to have some concept how this began. i do no longer understand your faith, despite the fact that it quite is prudent to get some Holy Water, sprinkle it, and start up leaving some out the place the main interest exists. in any case, you do no longer might desire to stay with this or like this. Please get help. it quite is a intense situation you ought to handle on the instant. Fires, knives, and pushing down stairs are not ok. in case you won't have the ability to circulate, or you do no longer think of shifting will help, you will might desire to repair it now....Show more

Toney Flaten: Hire an old retiree who knows how to do stuff and could tell you how to do it and talk you through i! t, and hire a young guy (late teens) who will be willing to do labor and by the end you'd be a pro.

Rachell Meese: Marry someone with the remodeling skills you are lacking :-)


Paul Maymi: You can learn from those, though I find most of the remodelling shows teach you practically nothing about how to actually do anything. There is no substitute for just doing it. Start small, don't be in a rush to get done, don't be too ambitious, buy or rent the right tools, get advice from anyone who will stand still long enough to give it to you. Some of the big box stores have classes. If you have any friends who are handy, ask to help with their next project. While it's true that many of us only ever do the same project once which makes it harder to get really good at anything, you'll find there's a crossover of knowledge. The more you do, the more you find you can take things you have! learned and apply them to the next thing. I still remember how good it! felt when I completed the first project which went just like I planned it....Show more

Mark Hovanes: Building supply stores like Home Depot and Lowes have free "Do it yourself" training sessions for stuff like tile, flooring and even installing some cabinetry. Pick up books at bookstores (or the building center book sections) and study them -- they have great information and step by step illustrations. I have collected many of them over the years and found them incredibly helpful. Also, volunteer with groups like Habitats for Humanities and Rebuilding Together. Besides helping others build or repair their homes, you will get valuable experience in using tools and get to see first hand how remodelling is done. You may also make some contacts and new friends through these projects that might help you out with some of your projects. You may be able to swap help on projects with others doing the same thing. I've helped my friends over the years and they've helped ! me, with demo, drywall, flooring, painting, plumbing, electrical and even roofing.If you have cable TV -- watch the HGTV and DIY networks and all of the remodel shows -- you get some good information on them. It is possible to learn what you have to do to fix up your house, step by step. Don't be afraid -- it can be messy and challenging but in the end you will feel really proud of what you have accomplished. Being able to handle a hammer and screwdriver is a better start than some people have....Show more

Maurice Breuning: Build a shed. Hopefully can find one of your neighbors who is good with his hands and has a lot of extra time to help you out. There are also many books out there. If you feel good after the shed is done then tackle the house. If the shed is a miserable failure then hire people to work on your house....Show more

Agustina Stimmel: Ok so i cut myself but i don't think its bad.my friend thinks its bad and tells me i should stopI don't real! ly cut deep but i cut alloti cut on my legs arms and wristsif i don't h! ave scissors or a knife in my roomi get a makeup mirror and break it just to cut when im sadit helps me calm downand sometimes i hav ethe urge to cutI do think about suicide but i never think about Truly going through with it I don't think cutting is that big of a deal thoughand am i addicted to cutting i don't think sodo i need help i also don't think somy mom would be mad if she found out i was cutting myself again people think i just wan attention which isn't true I only tell my best friend about my cuts so maybe she can say something that would help me stop so don't think i want attention do you think i do anyways Can you please give me your opinionP.s. By the way im 13 in 8th grade gonna be 14 in a few days and ive been cutting since 5th grade when i was like 11 or 12 Just to let you know...Show more

Eli Trapeni: I have the faucets in my bathroom where you push either the hot or cold seperately and the water comes out for a few seconds before shutting off. Does! anyone know how i can make the water flow last longer? Its very difficult to wash your hands when you have to keep pressing it down.

Alise Rutgers: I think you are very depressed and the cutting is very badYou need to see your doctor and tell your parents

Roland Stampley: there is a way to adjust the "metering" of a push type stem on most of the popular brands....if i knew the brand i could tell you.... id say pull the handle and shut to water supplies off below the faucet pull the stem and check with the manufatures website to see how to prolong the metering of that type of push button faucet

Cassondra Vanholland: By not pushing down as hard. When you do you crush the washer that is between the button and the valve.

Bruno Galasso: I'm a remodel contractor, and although the Home Depot's/Lowe's offer these little seminars, the problem you will run into, is you run into problem areas when you remodel. These are things not coverec in these seminars at! the store. Having said that, I can tell you all the reading in the wor! ld doesn't give you knowledge like hands on does. So read up and study what you can. If you run into problems and your not sure what to do, throw a post on here. I always run across advice from 2 of the people that responded to your question, and they consistantly give the correct or good advice. Don't expect to do everything right the first time, and remember if it doesn't look righ to you, then fix it so it's right. You will be surprised how much you will pick up doing it yourself. Nothing replaces experience, so get your toes wet, and good luck. Oh one more thing, you're not required to cuss if you do something wrong, but oddly enough it seems to help me. Take care...Show more

