
Do I look better with or without makeup?

Imogene Neiswander: some people rush when there doing stuff like that and they dont take there time and other people just dont care.

Peggy Sandefer: Honestly you look great in both pictures. If it saves you the 15 minutes then just go with no makeup! If I were you (this is just because I can't stand walking out of this house without makeup on) I would throw on some mascara and lip gloss. It only takes a few seconds and makes a big difference.

Ron Keliipio: exfoliate, cleanse, tone, and moisturise.i know it sounds womanly but thats the only way to get your skin in a good condition. it takes time, too.DON'T use, dettol soap on your face, its way too harsh on your skin and could make the problem worse!

Idell Syed: you need an everyday face wash for washing your face morning and night. and also a face scrub/exfoilater to remove dead skin cell from your face and should use it twice a week.-try using Neutrogena foaming cleanser, or sunlight soap for your every! day face wash.-I use an OLAY facial scrub. it is not to rough for skin and it leaves my skin look nice and soft.You should also use a toner after you wash your face to even out skin tones and close the pores on your face. after toning you should end with a moisturiser. I like Clearasil active clear facial cleanser. it is oil-free....Show more

Sena Highman: You look the same to me which is pretty ♥

Brock Anwar: Keep the makeup on.

Norris Rosener: I'm 16, and there are sooo many girls on facebook that post pics of themselves and their make-up and fake tan looks horrendous!They must apply the whole bottle of everything on their face. They couldn't look anymore fake. I thought make-up was supposed to be subtle?Its so funny, I would post pics but that's too harsh. What's funny is the ONLY people to comment on their photos are their female friends. They all comment "omg babes you're so fit. You're peng!", yet absolutely no guys comment on them.You know how in ! photos they do that pout? When they do it with all this make u! p on, they look so scary.I just don't understand how they can look in the mirror and think they look pretty? I'm not saying theyre ugly, they're actually reallyy pretty without make up on.Anyone else agree? Why are some girls so terrible at applying make-up?...Show more

Melina Minneweather: I agree. They're so fake that they have to have a tag on somewhere that says made in china

Lady Laflin: You are beautiful in both pictures. And usually I go for the no make-up/natural Idea.But to be painfully honest I think you look best with make up.Just my 2c.

Erin Arron: I use apricot scrub and it keeps my skin pretty clear. Maybe you should try it. ^^

Indira Wassell: Just buy a cheaper face wash usually the expensive ones have all these ingredients in them that just make you break out more. try apricot scrub like the girl above me said. [the white one with the blue cap works good]

Phillip Modafferi: try to use a warm water.

Buster Buchko: maybe th! ey're hiding their true beauty. heh. i dunno. i prefer women with no make up. seriously. they're hotter without masks

Lester Haschke: At first, use concealer to get rid of the blackness temporarily. And then experiment with different make ups, use natural brands and light makeup, don't cake yourself in it. Try many brands and use the one that looks the best.

Travis Colomb: ok, whats happening is your breaking down particles in your skin, my suggestion is, Mascara, but if you want some more, put some thin earthly colors, from bare minerals only, theirs isn't processed, and that whats breaking you skin down.

Raven Purl: Your pretty either way, but i prefer the make up one tbhh.Makes you look kinda like demi lovato :]]

Ellis Cellar: Why does it even matter if other people think you look good or not? Wear it if you want, don't wear it if you don't want. I don't understand why people ask this question.

Connie Dickirson: how can i make my face look f! air...now it's a new problem tham pimples are getting in my face and my! face becomes dirty and tired as soon as possible due to summer..is there any soap we can use to solve my face problem..iam currently using dettol cool soap..since a year iam using that soap..but give me tips about usage of soaps which may solve my face problems..thanks in advance for answering the question..

Hubert Jestes: Almond helps to remove dark circles and is an excellent "skin food". Remove the cream applied around the eye after 10 min. No cream should be left on the skin around the eyes for long periods.

Will Camus: well i think it is important to look good but i natural look is always better :)

Leticia Laiben: You look better with makeup. However, I'm not sure if you need to go to the extra trouble since you still look good without the makeup. I'd hit it.

Shelley Stevens: Yeah I know what you mean. They are simply just insecure about their apperance and want to look good. They think that looking "good" means a whole ton of make-up which ! is not the case with some of them. They just need to learn how to accept themselves. lol and that put thing does annoy me. I guess because I have thicker lips.:)

Kenneth Blacker: Soaps dry the skin ...pimples can be a problem and are due to excessive oil production....I'd use Cetaphil it is a mild liquid cleanser that will wash your face well and not leave it feeling dry....then get a toner for oily complexions...you can just go to the drugstore ...try one with grapefruit and not too much alcohol....alcohol shouldn't be the first ingredient...I think it is great that you are caring about your face.....

Vida Miss: Use different types of make up remover. Some are stronger than others. Some take off every thing and some leave you with panda eyes so just try out different removers and see what works best for you. :) x

Lucien Hellerman: Wow! That's how you look like without makeup? If I was the one waking up to see your face every morning, I would be extremely ! satisfied. Why put on makeup? You already look gorgeously beautiful wit! hout it. I'd say stick with no makeup.

August Hubbard: some girls feel more confident or just wear makeup to wear it. i enjoy it and spend a lot of time and money on it and i get told that i have really nice makeup a lot :)

Elsie Resner: for pimples use proactive... it works very well.try washing your face twice a day.-rinse your face with warm water to open up and allow deep cleansing in pores.-massage soap or scrub into skin with the tips of your fingers.-wash off with warm water to open pores and cleanse away any excess dirt.-then rinse with cold water to tighten pores and prevent oiliness.-use a towel to pat dry....Show more

Javier Holsonback: You look fine with and without. Wear makeup occasionally, a few times a week.

Toby Caswell: I used to wore make-ups and now I realized, when my make up is removed. My eyes look like a bit, black-ish. I know because I used make-ups too much and my skin on my eyes are getting black. What can I do? I have to w! ore make-ups everyday due to my work. How can I reduce the black-ness?p/s: Your advice will be much appreciated....Show more

Gaynell Pizzaro: it is always worth the extra time in the morning to put on your makeup. every woman should wear makeup.

Chris Coggins: with makeup,look younger. like katy perry.no makeup,look 28 year old.

Sharie Sommerville: Some Home Remedies!:Tea bags- after being used put in freezer for 30 Min's then dab around the eye area(this works really well) Slices of cold potatoes rubbed around eye area. really soothing and refreshing helps get rid of scars as well. Leaves eyes youthful!There are creams as well You could try this:http://www.simple.co.uk/products/Kind-To-Eyes-Soot...I have the same problem and the potatoes work really well!good luck xx...Show more

Tillie Wynott: You need to make sure you use a good makeup remover. Apply it to a wet washcloth and gently rub/wipe your eyes with it. If there is still any blackness left, ! get a Q-tip wet with the makeup remover and use it to wipe off excess m! akeup. Good luck! :)

Renay Billiar: You have amazing skin, & number 1 reason people wear make-upis 2 cover their skin flaws, If I had your skin & face I would just put a light lipgloss & mascara(which prevents the eyes to look tired).

