
Dentists only please..?  

Dentists only please..?  

answers 0:what are the pros and cons of being a dentist? starting from college.what is the best major to be prepared for dental school?answers 1:The good things would be that they actually get paid more then enough. The medical field is a great field to get involved in. College can be expensive, as you know it is the medical field and college pricing ranges to some what ridiculous amounts at sometimes. Also, it also takes a long time for some people to be able to get settled and start their own practice. Someone close to me attended college and interned and after seven years was able to get into a little partnership with someone who owned a practice. It takes a long time to get where you want in the medical field a lot of your time is consumed but if your really willing to do this, it will pay off in the end with a nice salary. Loans may come back to haunt you as well. Everythin! g you will need for your future though (retirement etc) will be there when you need it. There are a lot of good and bad things but it's only worth it if it's a first priority. Hope I helped!...

