
If you had to choose only 5 toys for your child what would they be?

Alexis Reyer: A nice puzzle-age appropriateBlocks-big or small or lego depending on the ageA doll of some sortMusical instruments!A cause and effect toy (push this and this happens) Good idea!...Show more

Chris Wilczewski: 3 year old daughter1. Her scooter2. Her 'Baby'3. A puzzle4. A packet of crayons5. Lego5 year old son1. His bike2. His 'pardo'3. A piece of rope4. A ball5. His swingThat's probably more than their grandparents had!...Show more

Cassey Hollinghurst: Boy 5, Girl 3, Boy 1Booksbaby dollLego'sballbug catcher...Show more

Olin Hallin: For 1-51. Something imaginative, like the Little People.2.Books.3. Mini Kitchens for Girls, Race Tracks for Boys.4. Big Lego's5.One toy of childs choice. 6-101. Bike/skateboard/scooter.2. Mini legos3.Imaginative toy.4.Racecars for boy, dolls for girl.5.One Toy of chooice.Any other age should be able to pick up and keep up with toys....Show more

Giovanna Sherlin: that's a hard one. It would have to be a deci! sion made by the kids I think. But what we do is a bit easier. We have quite a few toyboxes for our 2 year ld son, that we rotate. While one is in use, we store all the others, and when it's time to switch it up, he feels as if he's gotten all new toys!! We can keep the same toybox for a few months before he gets bored, so that's great. And of course, Books are always around, even though there are so many, because you just can't take that away! Hope this helps!...Show more

Sabra Roers: i loved 1. this flower thing that squirts out water in the backyard2. a beat up stuffed squirrel3. a doll4. cd player....loved to dance5. 20 Q toyi don't rememer how old i was.......Show more

Raul Lushbaugh: JumparooSesamie street ball that rolls around the room (he loves it)Walker/bike thingblanket bearSinging panioThese are pretty much the toys he plays with anyway. all the other ones he dosent care for....Show more

Salvador Prchlik: Matches, lighters, knives, syringes, an! d an few grams of H.Naww. I'd give them moon shoes, sock 'em b! oppers, a teddy, stickers, anddddddddddd...A Tech Deck

Natalya Sydney: Well im fourteen and i couldn't live without :*Laptop*Mobile Phone*Digital Camera*Clothes*iPod...Show more

Jose Calaycay: Art supply box: (many I know, maybe one dresser-sized box full) paper, crayons, clay, sidewalk chalk, stickers, etc)Nerf FootballBikedeck of cardsdominoes**phew, hard question** Also, books and stuffed animals don't count as "toys"...Show more

Perry Deshazior: For my daughter who just turned 1 last month it would be her 1. blocks,2. shape sorter3. baby doll4. farm set5. her booksFor my 9 year old son, it would be 1. His books2. His bike3. His puzzles4. His baseball gear5. His science stuffFor my 12 year old son it would be 1. Bike2. skateboard3. his books4. his dirtbike5. his cell phone...Show more

Rana Rudell: 22mo son:Big box of Duplo (the big Legos) - includes Duplo cars, planes, trains...KeyboardSomething to draw with (chalk, crayons, w/e)Purse (he wa! s so into my wife's purse we had to buy him his own)Books (why would they not be toys? - they're fun and educational, just like the other toys)...Show more

Billie Bratchett: 10 months.........His walker, activity centre, ball pit, flashing telephone and pull along helicopter!!

Babette Deloe: dolls blockscolor books

Ezekiel Kadner: Younger kidsLeggosCarsDolls (action figures for boys)JengaCardsOlder Kids (boys)X boxPlaystationI don't think my girls really play any games anymore....Show more

Olin Hallin: My son would be perfectly happy with one toy, provided it was an unlimited quantity of Lego :)He's 9, but it's been true since he was about 4.

Penelope Armond: 20 monthshe riding worm thingwagonhis fuzzy duck that sing. that rubbery duckie songhis cookie jar shapehis play vacuum...Show more

Lourie Mcroberts: I would pick a puzzle, books, his ride-on car, stacking cups and his Mickey Mouse toy phone. Those are the toys that get the most use.! He is 21 months old.

Byron Fortmann: Actually, I cut back on a LO! T of my daughter's toys a few weeks ago. It would be hard to choose only 5, but if I had to I would go with:Box of Barbies (assuming I could count all barbie stuff as 1 toy)Board games (she has several games in 1 a case)A baby dollAn electronic animal (her Lucky pup)And a stuffed animal (probably one of her kitties)-- if barbies can't count as 1, she could choose a guitar or her keyboard.Cheyenne is turning 7 this month. When we did the major cleanup of her room, I cut her back to her: Barbies Box of small stretchy toys (snakes, spiders, frogs, etc...), Box of hard plastic toys (dinosaurs, zoo animals, and farm animals) Art supplies Books 1 baby doll Favorite 3 electronic animals Favorite 6 (or so) stuffed animals Board games Nintendo DS and accessories Computer Guitars & Keyboard And a box of misc toys / sets such as blocks and bowling I thought she would be sad, but she's just as excited as me that we can once again see her floor!I would also like to proudly announce th! at I have cut back a bit on my toys too. In my bedroom I have: Pound Puppy Legos K'nex Magnetics Kerplunk (spelling?) And a box of craft stuff. I am 27 :o)...Show more

Cecil Derenzi: My daughter is 3 and I would choose :-Car Mat (roads etc)ELC car with lights etc Fire engine puzzle Lightening McQueen mini carBob the Builder LorryMy daughter is an avid tom boy - so she has waaaay to much girls toys to go with the boys ones. I know she likes the above best though....Show more

