
Looking for a new Hobby?

Marty Tichnell: Hi: So you want a new hobby, Okay you ask for it:Try woodworking, scroll sawing, Veerning, Intaria, craving, whittling, gardening, blacksmithing, knife making, rustic furniture making, Boat making, rock climbing, cabinet making. Paper mache, miniature model making Crocheting, Knitting ,Cross stitching, embroidery, sewing,Quilting, Photography, cave climbing. Rock climbing, antique collecting, Tool & die work,Glass blowing. Hand spinning wool & yarn, pewter work, Printing,Stonework, cement & concrete worker, Sculptor, Special Effect man, (Stud - see if you where pay attention here), Geologist or rock collector, meteor collector, Explosive Man, Flower arranging. Fashion designer, Farmer,Horse Raising and breeding, Veterian.Casino worker, brickworking, masonery, Model train collector. Toy Making. drafting, Electronic whiz. Robot maker, Silversmith, goldsmith, coppersmith, tool collector, historian, calligrapher. Civil war reinactors, Gun Collecting.stamp co! llecting. Bird watching. home interior decorator,conductor,cowboy.party hostess, thrill seeker, Surfer,scienitist, Stunt man,wheelmaker, kitchen & home collector,fishing collecting,blowtroch collector,bottle collector,comb collector,mining equipment and collectibles,lantern collect, Steam,air, and electric organ and pianio collecting,vacumm cleaner collecting,quilt collecting,Scrimshaw, toy collecting, carriage Building or coachmaking and repairing as well as collecting,Wheelmaking,sleigh collecting and building, Farm implements, pulleys,locks,steam & air gauge collecting, tinsmithing, brass smithing, ornamental ironwork, clock collecting. Coopering, Steam engine and locomotive collecting and making, Steam whistle collecting and making ,musicial instruments collecting, vinyl and Cd record collecting slide rule, surveyor instruments collecting, Thermometer & Meterology Instruments collecting, saw blade collecting, Flag collecting,Autogaph collecting,clothes, yarn weaving,St! ring art , Movie poster collecting, Magazine and book collecti! ng,Paper collecting,garderning, insect collecting,Stamp collecting cake decorating,Pottery,Microscopery, Telescopes collecting, music box collecting, Armor collecting, Teapot collecting, Teacup collection Painting,art collecting,Picture,postcard collecting, Orgimai, Tourist items,Plastic tinkets,Perfeme bottles,1900's cast iron banks,Telephones,TV sets,Taxis,Cookie Jars,Native American Art, African Art,Americana Art,Movie Reel Collecting, needle collecting, Star wars memobias, Cereal box collecting, pocket knive collecting, Knive collecting, Fence Collecting, Electricial insulator collecting, card collecting, play card collecting, Board game collecting. Doll Collecting. Ad collecting, Sign collecting,clown memorabilia, Escapologist or Magican memorabilia and stuff, Pen collecting, Pencil collecting,music memorabilia Codebreaking memorabilia, crossword Puzzles, word search games or books, kite making - Did I forget anything? Just pick one and you got your new hobby.hope th! is helps...Show more

Sunshine Holets: I sew a lot and am really wishing I could find some unique and interesting fabrics. How about for your hobby if you design fabrics? If you can draw well, maybe you could come up with ideas for unique prints on fabric and sell your ideas to manufacturers. I can't find any fabric with pink sailboats, pretty seashells all in a row, planets on a dark blue background. These are just some ideas.Have fun!...Show more

Abraham Ladick: start making an album as u r already in this field

Sang Hanafin: Kite making.... very peaceful

Bibi Tyron: Well, its; kind of hard to say because I don't know you, but try some kind of yarn work, like crochet, knitting, or even latch hook. Latch Hook is what I recomend becauseit's easy and everyone can pretty much do it. Plus when your done, you can pretty much make it into anything you want, It's a lot of fun!!!

Barton Sease: POKER.

Mercedez Trabue: model railroading

Cas! sidy Pangrazio: knitting it is fun and relaxing

Bruce Calise: Lea! rn to chrochet. I know that most people think of chrochet as a firl thing but there are some very good male designers out there. The are of chrochet is very pieceful and soothing as well as great theropy.I was in a bad car wreck that left me parralized and I only had partial use of my right arm and it hurt like a toothache constantly. I hadn't swung a needle since the wreck and when I picked it back up again, within a month, my arm didnt hurt any more and now, a little more than a year later, I have almoast total use of my right arm again and I never hurt....Show more

Gregg Hagge: As a hobby of mine- i collect old non running lawntractors and spend some time getting them back into running shape again. I find it relaxing and challanging at the same time- trying to get them running again. Depends how much you purchase them for/what shape theyre in - most ones i get just need a few dollars in parts and a couple days work to be running/mowing. Puchase price is usually ! free to $100 - cost of parts is under $20.Could be an extra money maker fixing them up and selling them afterwards ....Show more

Miguel Densley: Photography and Scrapbooking. They go hand in hand, and there is now a lot male and female items on the market. I find a lot of peace scrapping Tournaments, promotions, outings, just things that I want to remember. And with Photography, just get a couple of SD cards so you can change them out, you don't have to develop them right away and you don't have to worry about film! Good Luck and Happy Scrapping!...Show more

Michal Semple: Family historyRug makingPart-time studyCooking

Hunter Osterberger: NOSE PICKING LOL !!!!!

Brian Freedland: Try coin collecting. It doesn't have to cost you a lot. You can go to the bank and pick of a box of coin (whichever denomination you like) for exactly face value. A box of pennies is $25, a box of nickels is $100, a box of dimes is $250 and boxes of quarters or half doll! ars are $500. You don't have to buy the whole box. The bank can pull ou! t whatever amount you like.Once you get a box, you can go through and pull out the better coins (there are books to help with this or websites). You can pick up a coin album and try to fill all the holes (get one for each year) or just search for interesting ones.The coins that you don't want can be returned to the bank and put straight back into your account (though it's often better to return the coins to a different bank (not just a different branch but a different bank) so that you don't search the same coins over and over). Everything you find will have been obtained at face value. You'd be surprised what people have found. Check out these links to see:http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC...http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC...http://www.foundinrolls.com/Also check your change for interesting finds.Some things to search for: wheat pennies, silver dimes, silver quarters, old coins, error coins, coins with the "S" mintmark - it could be a pr! oof coin etc. There's always the chance that you could find a real treasure!It's also helpful to buy a red book. It can help you price your coins and will answer many of the questions you may have.OR IF THAT'S NOT FOR YOU...http://www.spacefem.com/quizzes/hobby/...Show more

Aron Ramu: Why not turn your love of your myspace page into a hobby? Learn to code layouts and create your own.

Armando Somes: Gardening.. Plant a flowering plant!Get a new pet!Draw!Play scrabble, puzzles...Read fhm... magazines.. books...>> find ways to nurture your mind.. it's a good relaxation!...Show more

