Romana Stiman:
Amina Motzer: Whip some cream, sweeten it with vanilla and cinnamon. One or two fruits, one cake or cookie type thing, cream, and chocolate syrup to decorate. Stir into it, chocolate shavings or chips, toasted almonds, crunched up big pieces of graham crackers or butter cookies or bite sized torn pieces of angel food cake or pound cake and some chopped fruit like ripe mango pieces, apples, strawberries, blueberries or banana slices. If you work quick you should have this ready in under a half hour. Serve in small cups or on a small plate with a drizzle of chocolate syrup in a design before you put the dessert on it. The cinnamon and the chocolate make it "Mexican". Keep out some fruit or nut or chocolate piece that you use for garnish on top....Show more
C! orey Rohleder: buy mexican gelatin it like regular jellobut instead of water you use milk it looks kinda like flan but i like it better if you have enough time make one color then when ready cut into square inch squares and put in a different color...Show more
Russ Kiernan: Search
Jackelyn Archut: Make Over 200 Juicy, Mouth-Watering Paleo Recipes You've NEVER Seen or Tasted Before?
Berry Gilmore: i recommend you a website it contains all the dessert recipes
Rosie Travino: Ashley- If you make "Oven Baked Flan" you will be the "Talk of the Town". If you've never made it, don't worry. Basically you are just making a custard...just some beaten eggs combined with sweetening agents and a few other things. Then, it's baked in the oven. Give a look and then give it a try. The great thing about this recipe is that it isn't calling for individual ramekins, you just put it into one larger baking dish.! /channel/food/recipes/flan-5......Show more