
Cómo obtener un buen bronceado

Cómo obtener un buen bronceado

Hay una variedad de formas de broncearse. Broncearse al sol puede darle el bronceado más barato, más natural y más uniforme, pero debe tener cuidado de proteger su piel de la sobreexposición a los rayos UV. Las camas bronceadoras simulan la experiencia de broncearse al aire libre inundando su cuerpo con rayos UV concentrados. Estos pueden darle un bronceado agradable, pero se ha demostrado que aumentan su riesgo de desarrollar cáncer. Los productos de bronceado falso son relativamente seguros, ya que limitan la exposición a los rayos UV, pero es posible que la sombra no se vea tan natural como una apariencia bronceada por el sol. Los bronceados falsos no durarán tanto como los bronceados UV, y es posible que tenga que tomar precauciones contra el desgaste del producto en los parches…

Obtener un bronceado uniforme. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, queda! rse quieto durante largos períodos de tiempo en realidad le hará arder más rápido. Estar activo y en movimiento permite que el sol no se concentre en un área durante largos períodos de tiempo. La manera más fácil de obtener un bronceado uniforme mientras se mantiene activo es pasar del estómago a la espalda y viceversa, cada 5-10 minutos.

Intenta usar un producto de bronceado en espuma. Los bronceadores de espuma pueden ser bastante difíciles de aplicar, dependiendo de su experiencia con los productos autobronceadores, ya que se secan muy rápidamente. Esto es estupendo si eres un profesional y quieres hacer tu trabajo diario mientras el bronceado se desarrolla en tu piel, pero no tan estupendo si necesitas tiempo extra para repartirlo en tu piel de manera uniforme.

Considere el uso de aceite de bronceado. Puede encontrarla cerca de la sección de bloqueadores solares de muchas farmacias y tiendas de comestibles. Tenga cuidado al usar el aceite de bron! ceado, porque puede funcionar rápidamente. Es mejor broncears! e y construir a partir de ahí, que quemarse con el sol. No use una crema espesa, ya que obstruirá los poros y será pegajosa.

Optimice su tiempo de bronceado. Acuéstese entre las 10 a.m. y las 2 p.m., ya que es la hora del día en que el sol es más intenso. Considere acostarse cuando el clima esté parcialmente nublado. Esto puede producir un bronceado más potente cuando el sol se refleja en las nubes del cielo, intensificando la cantidad de rayos solares que recibe su cuerpo. Trate de acostarse en el agua o alrededor de ella. El agua es otro intensificador natural.

Considere la posibilidad de broncearse en interiores si no puede hacerlo bajo el sol. Esto es similar al bronceado al aire libre, pero puede ser una opción más preferible en los meses más fríos. Es mejor empezar a broncearse por períodos cortos de tiempo (menos de diez minutos) porque los rayos UV están más cerca que el sol, y pueden quemarlo mucho más rápido…

Visite un salón y! regístrese para obtener una cama de bronceado. Elija su paquete en función de cuánto planea broncearse. Aproveche cualquier descuento para estudiantes, nuevos clientes o de temporada.

Considere la posibilidad de usar un extensor de bronceado después del bronceado. Esto es como una crema hidratante, excepto que con ingredientes especiales para preservar, proteger y extender la vida de su bronceado. Estos extensores por lo general carecen de ciertos ingredientes que despojan su color, como el sulfato. Por la misma razón, use también un jabón corporal que estire el bronceado en la ducha, y luego use el extensor de bronceado después de ducharse.

Use loción bronceadora. Las lociones tienden a seguir igual que cualquier otra loción. Sin embargo, alcanzar su propia espalda y extender el bronceado sobre otras áreas de manera uniforme puede ser más difícil.

Considere su salud. Las cámaras de bronceado pueden aumentar significativamente su riesgo de d! esarrollar cáncer. Evalúe cuidadosamente los riesgos y los beneficios! antes de entrar en la cama solar. Las cámaras de bronceado son especialmente peligrosas para los jóvenes. Las personas que usan camas solares antes de los 30 años aumentan el riesgo de melanoma de por vida.

Encuentra una manera de pasar el tiempo. Dormir es bueno porque hace que el tiempo pase más rápido, mientras lee un libro bloquea parte de la luz del sol mientras está boca arriba. Tome una siesta cuidadosamente, digamos de una hora a una hora y media, y ponga una alarma para que se despierte después de que ese tiempo haya pasado. Luego, vuélvete al otro lado y vuelve a dormirte. Puedes repetir este proceso hasta que hayas alcanzado el bronceado que deseas.

Considere la posibilidad de broncearse al instante. Estos productos son más o menos sólo maquillaje corporal, y se eliminan completamente después de ducharse. Siempre debe aplicarlas mientras están secas. El bronceado instantáneo es una gran alternativa si sólo quieres lucir bronceado por un! día o para un evento específico antes de que necesites usar cualquier prenda de vestir, ya que mancharán tu ropa.

Prepara tu piel. Siempre es una buena idea preparar la piel antes de broncearse, ya que la piel preparada se verá saludable y radiante y no opaca y seca. Asegúrese de exfoliar la noche anterior al bronceado con una esponja en la ducha, moviéndose en movimientos circulares para deshacerse de la piel muerta de la superficie, ya que el bronceado se asienta en la capa externa de la piel. También es mejor hidratar todo el cuerpo una vez exfoliado, ya que esto mantendrá la piel nutrida y suave como la seda para el día siguiente.

Invierta en un paquete de bronceado y loción. Asegúrese de usar una loción bronceadora para interiores, no una loción para exteriores. Muchos salones tienen buenas opciones a diferentes precios. Será bastante caro, pero es más barato comprar una botella de loción que los paquetes individuales cada vez.

Consid! ere simplemente acostarse bajo la luz directa del sol. El bronceado nat! ural es más seguro que las camas de bronceado, y le dará los resultados más naturales.

Considere la posibilidad de obtener un bronceado artificial. Los tipos de bronceados artificiales incluyen bronceados en aerosol, autobronceadores y bronceadores. Estas son buenas opciones si sólo necesitas broncearte por unos días, o si tienes una piel muy sensible que se quema fácilmente. Usted puede recibir bronceadores en aerosol en los mismos salones de bronceado que visitaría para las camas de bronceado de interiores, y puede comprar varios autobronceadores y bronceadores en cualquier farmacia.

Sea paciente. Empiece con un tiempo corto, de 5 a 7 minutos, sólo para averiguar cómo su piel maneja el bronceado. Aumente su tiempo gradualmente después de la primera sesión de bronceado.

Use un bronceado fino con rocío. Este es el tipo más común de producto autobronceador que se puede encontrar en farmacias o salones de belleza, y generalmente se considera el! más fácil de aplicar solo.

Considere el uso de toallitas para el bronceado. Estos son relativamente fáciles de usar, sin embargo, es más probable que este método manche sus dedos, ya que las toallitas son mucho más difíciles de sostener con un guante bronceador en la mano. También es probable que necesite bastantes paquetes de estas toallitas. Generalmente se venden en individuales y uno no será suficiente para darle a su cuerpo entero los dos abrigos para que realmente muestre su bronceado.

Encuentra el tono adecuado. Si está pensando en aplicar sus propios productos de bronceado falsos, lo mejor es comparar precios y encontrar uno que sea el tono adecuado para usted. El bronceado generalmente se presenta en tres tonos: claro, medio y oscuro. Algunos tienen tonos ligeramente más bronceados, y otros tienen un efecto de resplandor que refleja la luz y le da un resplandor.

Siempre broncearse con seguridad para evitar quemaduras solares y daños p! ermanentes en la piel. Usted siempre debe usar protector solar cuando s! e broncea, sin importar dónde se encuentre. Aplique su bronceador 30 minutos antes de salir al sol para que pueda penetrar en su piel. Vuelva a aplicar la loción a la sombra cada hora y no se limite a retocarla. Hazlo todo bien otra vez. Asegúrese de permanecer en la sombra durante 10 minutos por cada hora que pase al sol.

Encuentre un producto que sea fácil de aplicar. Aparte de elegir el tono correcto, también es importante que encuentre un producto de bronceado que sea fácil de aplicar, especialmente si es la primera vez que se broncea y no tiene la ayuda de otro. Recuerda usar siempre un guante de bronceado cuando te apliques un bronceado falso, de lo contrario la solución te manchará las manos de naranja. No será fácil de quitar sin arruinar el resto de su hermoso bronceado.

Have there been any cultures without marriage?

Vince Delarge: Most all cultures before the religious influx came about.More recently though i think of hippies

Cornelius Thornborrow: HIP HOP CULTURE

Pamela Meno: Well marriage ceremonies have always been performed before god. So before the spread of religion out of the middle east, all cultures.

Emile Midgley: Yes, the Mosuo, an ethnic minority group in China, traditionally did not have marriage in their cultures: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MosuoThe concept of paternity did not exist for them. There are very few Mosuo following traditional customs these days. Most have modernized and integrated with the larger Han Chinese culture and marry....Show more

Virgil Loatman: Marriage is cross-cultural, and it exists in all types human societies including hunter-gatherer (the earliest human society). Its universal.The answer to your question is "highly unlikely".

Betsey Muehlbach: Crispy, how about Buddhist marriages, Hindu, and polytheistic marr! iages.

Mozell Sponsler: Native Americans.Sure , a man and woman would pair up, but there wasn't a ritual or ceremony

Ofelia Kieck: Yeah I heard they use fake vicars everywhere.


Cómo jugar a las cartas contra la humanidad

Cómo jugar a las cartas contra la humanidad

Cards Against Humanity es un famoso rompehielos de fiesta, un juego sólo para adultos en el que los jugadores tienen la madurez suficiente para manejar los temas y las respuestas intencionadamente provocativos (pero a menudo hilarantes). El objetivo es emparejar las tarjetas de respuestas y preguntas de la manera más divertida, provocativa o inteligente que puedas.

Robar diez cartas blancas cada uno. Sólo puedes mirar tu propia mano de cartas. Deje el resto de las cartas blancas de «respuesta» y las cartas negras de «pregunta» separadas en pilas boca abajo.

Recompense las tres respuestas principales. Si juegas con un grupo grande, el Zar de las Cartas puede elegir tres ganadores. Concede tres puntos a la respuesta favorita del zar, dos al segundo mejor y uno al tercero.

Baraje y lea en voz alta las cartas de respuesta. Ahora el zar coge las cartas ! de respuesta blancas y las baraja, así que nadie sabe quién puso cada carta. Vuelva a leer la tarjeta de respuesta negra, luego lea las tarjetas blancas una por una, poniéndolas boca arriba sobre la mesa.

Toca hasta que te canses. Este es un juego casual, no competitivo, y la gente suele jugar hasta que se cansa de él. Si quieres un punto final más definido, juega hasta que un jugador consiga cinco puntos (o 7-10 para una partida más larga). Quien tenga más puntos al final del juego gana.

Haga que cada uno de los jugadores escoja una tarjeta de respuesta blanca. El Zar de las Cartas espera mientras el otro jugador elige una carta de su mano. El objetivo es elegir la respuesta más divertida a la tarjeta de preguntas negra, o la respuesta que más le guste al Zar de las Cartas. Ponga las cartas blancas seleccionadas en un montón boca abajo.

Juega la primera carta negra. Las reglas oficiales dicen que la «persona que más recientemente cagó» es el! primer «zar de las cartas». (Esto podría darte una idea de! cómo será el juego.) Si lo prefieres, la persona con el próximo cumpleaños puede ir primero. Ese jugador comienza la ronda dando la vuelta a la carta de arriba en la pila de «preguntas» negras. Lea la tarjeta en voz alta y déjela boca arriba sobre la mesa.

Amplíe su colección. Si te gustan las Cartas contra la Humanidad pero has memorizado todas las cartas, hay muchas expansiones para barajar en tu juego, además de ediciones especiales que cambian las referencias de la cultura pop estadounidense para el Reino Unido, Australia y Canadá. Puedes pedirlos en el sitio web de Cards Against Humanity, o encontrarlos en la mayoría de las tiendas de juegos de mesa.

Elija la mejor respuesta. El Zar de las Cartas elige su respuesta favorita a la pregunta. El jugador que jugó la carta ganadora recibe un «Punto Increíble». La forma más fácil de rastrear puntos es dar la tarjeta de preguntas negra al jugador ganador.

Empieza la siguiente ronda. Cada ju! gador retira hasta diez cartas blancas. La persona que se sienta a la izquierda del zar se convierte en el zar para la siguiente ronda, escogiendo una nueva carta negra.

Ponga a prueba nuevas ideas. Los fanáticos de CAH hardcore pueden disfrutar del laboratorio en línea. El sitio web le mostrará una selección aleatoria de tarjetas y le pedirá que elija la más divertida. Si les das a los creadores una buena retroalimentación, tus favoritos del sitio podrían terminar en la próxima expansión.

Apuesta tus puntos para jugar más cartas. Si usted está de acuerdo en jugar con esta regla, cualquier contestador puede apostar un punto después de que el Zar lea la carta de la pregunta. Ese jugador entonces pone dos respuestas en la pila en lugar de una. Quienquiera que gane la ronda también gana el punto extra.

Vote por la mejor respuesta. En lugar de tomar turnos para juzgar las respuestas, haga que todos jueguen una carta de respuestas en cada ronda. L! os jugadores entonces votan por el ganador. Esto funciona bien si usted! está jugando con extraños, que tendrían problemas para elegir las cartas dirigidas a una persona específica.

Tira tus manos. El juego tiende a ser menos interesante cuando los jugadores están atrapados con un montón de cartas que no les gustan. A algunos grupos de juego les gusta añadir una de estas reglas para prevenir esa situación:


Family Guy or American Dad.?

Otto Lingafelt: I agree with you they are both my favorites but I too have to say American Dad! at this point in time because I've see so much of Family Guy. When it comes to American Dad! I've seen a lot of them but not like FG. I've been watching them both at night on Adult Swim and Roger really cracks me up.I've also been enjoying King of the Hill but it's a whole other kind of humor.....Show more

Anton Waln: Family guy, american dad is like the brother to family guy

Jannette Kotz: Family guy! :D is freaking hilarious!

Lolita Deschamp: i cant really choose they are both awesome and funny i actually prefer family guy more because of stewie and peter and lois and meg

Comment obtenir une procuration durable

Comment obtenir une procuration durable

Avisez votre directrice ou directeur d’école que vous voulez démissionner de vos fonctions. Si votre mandant demeure compétent et que vous avez décidé que vous n’avez pas le temps ou l’intérêt de continuer votre rôle d’agent, dites-lui que vous ne voulez plus le faire.

Discutez avec votre proviseur de la possibilité de devenir son avocat. Dans certains cas, votre directrice ou directeur d’école peut déjà avoir des problèmes de santé ou de mobilité et être incapable de faire beaucoup de choses par elle-même.

Avisez le tuteur et l’agent successeur de votre mandant. Si votre mandant est incompétent ou frappé d’incapacité, avisez son tuteur ainsi que toute personne qu’il a désignée comme mandataire successeur que vous ne voulez plus exercer vos fonctions de mandataire! .

Remplissez le formulaire ou rédigez votre propre document. Si vous avez un formulaire à remplir à blanc, fournissez les renseignements nécessaires pour le remplir, mais ne le signez pas encore.

Réfléchissez bien avant d’accepter d’être l’agent de quelqu’un. Vous aurez la capacité de prendre des décisions qui pourraient changer votre vie au nom de votre directeur d’école, ce n’est donc pas quelque chose à prendre à la légère.

Identifier un agent successeur possible. Selon votre âge ou votre état de santé, vous voudrez peut-être aider votre mandant à choisir un agent successeur pour prendre la relève si vous devenez indisponible ou incapable.

Distribuez des copies de votre procuration au besoin. Vous et votre directeur d’école devriez avoir des copies personnelles du plan d’action durable et les conserver dans un endroit sûr. Il n’est généralement pas nécessaire de déposer le document auprès d’un tribuna! l ou d’un autre organisme gouvernemental.

Trouvez les ! formulaires de procuration durable. Il se peut que votre directrice ou directeur d’école ne soit pas en mesure de chercher ces formulaires, de les remplir ou de les taper par elle-même. Les formulaires préimprimés sont disponibles dans les organismes sans but lucratif, les établissements financiers ou de soins de santé et les magasins de fournitures de bureau. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de remplir les cases vides du formulaire avec les détails personnels de votre directeur d’école.

Comprendre l’importance d’une procuration durable. Lorsqu’une personne vous accorde une procuration durable, elle vous donne la permission de prendre un certain nombre de décisions médicales et financières importantes en son nom.

Passez en revue votre entente de PA et voyez si elle comprend une procédure de démission. Certains accords comportent une clause décrivant comment vous devez démissionner. Si votre accord contient une telle clause, vous devrie! z suivre cette procédure.

Comprenez que votre directrice ou directeur d’école peut révoquer votre autorisation en tout temps. Si l’état de votre directrice ou directeur d’école s’améliore ou si elle décide qu’elle ne veut plus d’un PA, elle peut le révoquer quand elle le veut, tant qu’elle est mentalement capable.

Signez le document devant notaire. Chaque État exige que vous et votre mandant signiez le PA durable en présence d’un notaire. Si vous ne savez pas où trouver un notaire, vous pouvez utiliser le localisateur de notaire fourni par l’American Society of Notaries.


Symbol of a family?

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My dog has two metal bowls. Yet she seems to have trouble eating.?  

My dog has two metal bowls. Yet she seems to have trouble eating.?  

answers 0:I always thought she was just picky about her food. I even got her a few different kinds to see if that helped. Lately I tried a different tatic and I put her food on a paper plate and she's been wolfing it down! I'm already looking into a different type of bowl for her, but does anyone know why she would have this aversion? I also wonder if this is why she is so thirsty and tries to drink water from the house and everything else.answers 1:One additional thought. If your dog wears a collar with dangling tags, the tags could bang the metal bowl and make a noise that scares her. It can happen. My dogs eat from metal bowls without problems, but I know some rescues that were skittish and would not eat from metal, or grab a mouthful and put the food on the floor to eat.answers 2:Dogs don't like the taste of metal. Buy a ceramic or glass bowl! answers 3:Could be that she had to compete with another more dominant dog for the food in a metal bowl, and behaviourally learned to leave that alone. Get her different bowls.answers 4:You've already figured it out yourself. It's the rattling/moving of the bowl. Stick a few felt pads on the bottom so it won't make a noise/move.answers 5:"My dog has two metal bowls. Yet she seems to have trouble eating.?" Okay... and we need to know this statement why?Healthy dogs are not "picky about her food". Their owners often make them that way by failing to feed them properly ie; " I even got her a few different kinds to see if that helped." Perhaps you meant tactic not "tatic. Water should be made accessible to her 24/7.If you're concerned about her health/well being and this is a recent behavioral change, then it warrants taking her to a vet to rule out any medical issues, including a dental exam.Once medically cleared provide routine dental hygiene as well as feed her properly,! on a set schedule, twice daily, am/pm, no free feeding, no di! et changes unless vet recommended/prescribed due to medical issues, all diets changes should be done gradually over a period of ten days to two weeks unless a vet advises otherwise, as well as according to body condition/exercise. Frequent diet changes often cause intestinal upset....answers 6:Some animals dislike the reflective surfaces of metal bowls.answers 7:Metal bowls can make a nasty noise when scraped along the ground (unless they have rubber on the bottom) when the dog is licking up the last remnants of food and also they are usually reflective which may put some dogs off using them.They "may" even have metallic smell to them which is only noticeable to the dog.Plastic bowls are a lot quieter and non-reflective.Also some dogs prefer their food served off the ground.Never revert to trying different foods when a dog appears to be picky as this will make them even more picky.If your dog is drinking excessive water it may be time to get her checked out at the vets fo! r kidney problems, or some other disease, especially if she is getting on a bit....answers 8:*hose not house


2011 June Living Environment Regents Answers?

Ramona Pago: yeh do u think this is correct:? i wrote for last question in part D because temp so high dangerous cuz bottle cover can fly off....dont ask y i did that... oh this regent was so much harder than the ones i did.. i did 8 and this waz the hardest.. and for the pregnate women one i did that thats when baby begins to develope starts growing so affected the most.. is that wrong.. dont tell me?also for dandelion i wrote somtin abt the wind blowing dont exactly rem... the thing about abiotic factor and energy can someone explain the answer i wrote resporation...Show more

Branden Round: well i don't know the answer but it was hard especially about the allergies that one surprised me for completely and the plant cell i put chloroplasts but pointed at the wrong part.oh well i hope i do good and good luck for all of you =] now to take geometry on Thursday uhh

Michel Mccaulley: multiple choice:here are my answers, note they may not all be right (i guessed on! a few)1. 3/2/4/2/3/2/3/39. 1/4/2/2/1/3/3/217. 1/3/2/3/2/4/325. 3/2/1/3/3/231. 3/2/4/1/2/4/3/339. 2/1/3/3/147. 2 49. 2 50. 273. 3/2/3/281. 3 82. 4...Show more

Josefine Weekey: According to castlelearning, the answer to the test tube one was that the tube could explode when heated.

Vickie Clampett: For the pregnant woman question, the medicine should've been taken in late pregnancy because 3-6 weeks into pregnancy is where the organs are being developed. But late pregnancy, it wouldnt been AS affect as it would in 3-6 weeks. But if taken late pregnancy, the baby would have Down Syndrome. :)

Indira Wassell: Okay we have mostly the same answers, except for 5 of the ones above. For the peanut allergy question the answer is histamines...Histamines are released by the immune system and attack foreign substances, similar to how the immune system rejects organs. The one about high school kids driving their cars to school, I explained how t! he greenhouse gases (CO2) are released by cars and in increase! d number of cars will lead to increased CO2 in the atmosphere which traps heat in the earths atmosphere and causes an increase of average temperature which is melting the ice at the poles of the earth. The one with the fetus, the organs are developed during the early period and are more affected in their development then in their growth later on. The dandelion one, there are probably several acceptable answers as to why it didn't travel, I put because the dandelions are only 1 cm tall so the seeds couldn't fly over the grass around them, which is taller. The stopper on the test tube would prevent the gases from flowing out of the test tube, into the air, this would cause a build up in pressure which could be dangerous because it would cause the stopper to explode....Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: Taking college english next year and would like to know what you do in that class.

Lourie Mcroberts: I thought the regents was pretty easy, if I say so.A lot of my friends! /class mates said that they really hated the peanuts and pregnant women question.Even the smarted girl in my entire grade was asking me what I got for the pregnant women thing. She was like that's the only one I completely BS it.

Donte Liversedge: For the peanut one... I put HISTAMINE triggers the response and IMMUNE SYSTEM

Ronald Moehr: I am planning to apply to Cornell early decision this fall. The application due date is November 1st and requires an SAT Mathematics subject test (for their School of Hotel Administration), however the soonest I can take the test is November 2nd due to an SAT retake on October 5th.Would I still be able to send my subject test score to Cornell?

Douglass Sarley: for the peanut one, i put pathogen and for the part about the walnut, i put because walnuts have different antigens on their surface. i had no idea. it was kinda hard. what did people put for the one where it had all different species in a web and was like which spec! ies is most likely a decomposer? i put species c. for the pregnant woma! n, i put because the fetus is still developing at weeks 3-6. i think that it right because i had a test before in class on the reproductive system and there was a similar question and that was the answer. for the bottle one, i put because it would explode from the pressure. the other tests i took were easier though....Show more

Matt Tiry: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=201106...&for the lawn mower one, Iput since they were shorter they may not be eaten by predictors, i know that wasnt the best choice but there are more then one things that can be accepted as correct

Woodrow Neyman: Please note that this question is directed towards CORNELL UNIVERSITY rather than colleges in general.

Roni Kurz: Ehh kinda hard. For the dandelion one I put mutations then the wind didn't spread the seeds then the dandelion killed the grass and was harming it and the they had a adnVtage bc there was more of them so they can overpopulated the taller dandelions

Filiberto Ranalli: From the Scoring Key and Rating Guide:44)- Increase the number of natural predators of the insect- Use a biological control- use flypaper or traps45) -Most organs begin to develop between weeks 3 and 6, whereas, in late pregnancy, these organs are fully formed- In late pregnancy, major organs would already have been formed and less damage would occur46) You only have to draw the arrows (Labeling isn't necessary) But the answers are Cell Wall; Vacuole and Chloroplast.48) Yes because the person is overweight (higher than 25)51) it results in a smaller gene pool, reduces variety available for selection within populations, tall varieties would not have a chance to reproduce, removes genes for tallness from the population52) Graph53) Graph54) 90 Degrees Celsius 55) Temperature56) Immune System57) Antigen; Protein; Allergen58) One type of antibody only reacts one type of antigen- Antibody reactions are specific- walnuts and peanuts have different proteins or c! hemicals59) They both stimulate immune responses/ designed to attack fo! reign objects60) Something related to CO 2, Burns more fossil fuel, exhaust from the cars, etc61) Mutation; Changes in DNA; Recombination of genes62) seeds from plants with shorter stems are less likely to be carried by the wind- short dandelions do not have an adaptation needed for survival in the other areas of the lawn- the seeds from the shorter dandelion did not land there63) the dandelions out compete the grass for the same limited resources- the dandelions are better adapted for survival- the dandelions shade the grass64) Short dandelions are less likely to be cut down by a lawnmower- short dandelions will be left to reproduce65) Organisms higher up in the food chain have a high concentration of toxins because they eat more of the organism lower in the food chain and build up the concentration on their tissue- Predators have a high concentration because they eat organisms that have already accumulated toxins.66_ Pass laws to force individuals.companies to stop pollut! ing- reduce runoff of environment hazards from farms, roadways, parking lots, etc- remove the toxins from the environment- develop non toxic alternatives to these chemicals67) reduces genetic information from each parent by half, something to that effect68) this process ensures that offspring will have all the genetic info need, restores the full number of chromosomes characteristic of the species- full set of chromosomes, etc something to that effect69) Doctors should prescribe antibiotics only for bacterial infections- patients should not use antibiotics w/o a doctor's advice- follow doctor's prescription- do not use antibiotics for viral infections71) Organisms lose habitats, Species are removed, species might become extinct 72) Plants absorb CO2, hence, the less plants there is, the higher amount of C02 is in the air which contributes to global warming (or greenhouse effect)77) Species A78) Species C, it became extinctSpecies D, it is no longer aliveSpecies E, do not co! ntinue to the present79) Enzymes; Restriction Enzymes; Biological Catal! yst80) W and Z; 4 of the 5 bands are identical, greatest number of matching bands83) pulse rate varies with activity level- her body was maintaining homeostasis- her heart beats faster when she is more active- she used more energy resulting in an increased pulse rate84) increased pulse rate increases the availability of food and oxygen to cells- increases the removal of wastes from cells, pulse rate indicates activity level of the body, additional food and oxygen is provided to the body cells - removal of wasted from cells increases85) It could explode, the stoppers could pop out and injure someoneMC Answers (sorry dont have the questions)3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2Part B13, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3Part B22, 2, 2Part D3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1...Show more

Rosalia Hibler: You need to ask the admissions office for factsThey will not review your application until all documentation is in. Do you really want to mess this up w! ith wrong facts. Call the school and ask

Somer Distilo: I thought the regent was relatively easy.For the peanut one: a) I wrote antigens trigger the response. Many kids in my grade wrote antibodies, however, I think the answer was antigens, since it asked what TRIGGERS the immune system to respond (immune system was the answer to the system question). Antibodies is the RESPONSE to the triggering, however, the specific shape of the antigens is what the body recognizes as foreign and marks for killing by releasing antibodies. b) The similarity between the allergic reaction and the transplanted organs is that in both of these cases, antigens are marked as foreign and are "rejected".For the plant cases, with the tell and short ones, I wrote an advantage of the short ones were that they were very thick and therefore could stay upright in a strong wind. ----------- Oh yeah, what was the answer for the question on the part A with a chromosome and there were diseases labeled ! (such as sickle cell disease)? Was it a protein or genetics? I wrote ge! netics.....Show more

Terrell Lawman: It doesn't really matter. I took both, and passed both, but I don't think it makes a difference.They're both remotely related, but separate enough that there's no real advantage to taking one or another first.Good luck!!!...Show more

Evelin Turlich: Okay, so I'm kind of freking out.For the Peanut one I put- Immune System, Antibodies, and the body recognizes the peanut as a foreign invador but not the walnut.For the stopper one-It will blow up because the gases won't be able to escape.For the dandelion one(i think i messed up)- Mutation, the wind will not be very strong so low in the grass, and the short ones seeds will definitely stay in the field where they can grow but the long ones seeds may go farther and go on to the pavement or somewhere else they cannot grow.I know this sounds bad, but I didn't get the one about the coral, i put-positive for both...Show more

Stevie Goldey: 1

Rebeca Mckin: If it's English 10! 1 or the equivalent, you'll be learning to write basic research essays and working on structure and MLA formatting.

Tom Romer: Mel: They had an advantage because they didn't get hit by the lawn mower.

Coleman Deliberato: i think a lot of people messed up on the peanut question. i did too. i put immune system, pathogens (thats wrong i think), that there is something specific that you are allergic to in the peanut but not in the walnut .___.what did you guys get for the link b/w abiotic and all the energy for the ecosystem? was it photosynthesis or decomposers?

Tyrone Disanti: Yeah i got the same for dandelion and test tube, I had a problem with the Peanut one. I know it sounds stupid, but I didn't know what the answer to the one with "what is the specific type of molecule that triggers an allergic reaction?" Now, I know that it is an allergen, so I feel like an idiot.... I first put protein, then I changed it to antigen, and then finally I changed it to Pa! thogen..FML.

Francis Stickle: yes

Adrian Paraz: what did you! get for "what do catalyst,hormone and receptors have in common to function?" i put that it was supposed to have an amino acid chain that made shapes for the fuctions...for the pregnant one i said that: the cells were being formed and the baby was being formed an the tranquilizer could cause it to have mutations that are bad.and yes its phtosynthesis...oh and what did you get on why the short dandelions on one side grew and did not on the other?Source(s):i just took it...Show more

Coleman Senn: June 2011 Regents

Mitsuko Manne: This Site Might Help You.RE:2011 June Living Environment Regents Answers?Just took the test this morning.. Does anyone remember questions/answers to the June 2011 Living Environment...Show more

Isreal Kochheiser: Hey what did you guys get for the one with "a tree was planted in an abandoned field"for me the 2 choices I narrowed it down to was 2. dynamic equalibrium will not be reachedand3. Genetic varibility would not be present...Sh! ow more

Robin Tommie: I need to CLEP and DSST Financial Accounting and Principals to Finance, which should I take first to get a better idea of the second test?

Comment récolter le blé

Comment récolter le blé

p>La récolte du blé est un processus très difficile qui exige une bonne préparation et un bon timing. Si le blé sec reste trop longtemps dans le champ, les vents et les tempêtes peuvent détruire la culture. La qualité du blé peut diminuer si le blé reçoit de la pluie et sèche à nouveau. La récolte du blé nécessite également l’utilisation d’une moissonneuse-batteuse â€" une machine lourde qui exige de la formation et un travail minutieux. Une seule personne peut effectuer l’entretien et faire fonctionner une moissonneuse-batteuse, mais une grande récolte de blé nécessite souvent une équipe qui exploite plusieurs moissonneuses-batteuses et plusieurs camions.

Ajustez la vitesse de l’enrouleur par rapport à la vitesse d’avancement. Il est important de le faire afin de ne pas perdre de blé dans le processus. Aller trop vite, c’e! st soit abattre le blé, soit le couper mal. Une vitesse trop lente peut faire tomber le blé au sol ou le faire entrer dans la moissonneuse-batteuse de façon incorrecte.

Réglez le contre-batteur à la position la plus large possible pour faciliter la séparation. Le réglage de la vitesse de rotation du rotor ou du cylindre permet également d’éviter toute perte de grain due à la séparation.

Soyez attentif aux conditions qui vous entourent. Pour que la récolte soit réussie, vous devez savoir comment la machine interagit avec le blé. Soyez prêt à modifier les paramètres, tels que la vitesse du ventilateur, au fur et à mesure.

Réglez le régime du rotor ou du cylindre au niveau minimum pour un bon battage. Cela réduira au minimum les dommages aux semences. Cela devra être ajusté au fur et à mesure que les cultures de blé changent. C’est dans ce processus que le grain est séparé de la paille.

Mesurer le taux d’humidité du blÃ! ©. Le taux d’humidité déterminera le moment où le blé es! t prêt à être récolté. Le blé est récolté pendant les mois d’été, après avoir été récolté au printemps ou en hiver. La teneur en humidité du blé est le facteur le plus important pour déterminer quand votre blé est prêt pour la récolte.

Inspectez votre équipement chaque fois que vous l’utilisez. En prenant l’habitude de vérifier votre équipement, vous risquez moins de rater quelque chose.

Videz le grain. Lorsque la moissonneuse-batteuse est pleine, videz le grain dans un camion à l’aide du déchargeur de la moissonneuse-batteuse. Le fonctionnement spécifique dépendra du modèle de votre moissonneuse-batteuse. En cas de doute, consultez le manuel du propriétaire. Vous ou quelqu’un d’autre pouvez conduire le camion jusqu’à votre entrepôt. Là, il peut vider le camion en le déversant dans un silo à grain, où il peut être transporté par tapis roulant jusqu’à l’entrepôt.

Régler le ventilateur. Assurez-vous ! qu’il n’est pas trop bas, sinon le blé n’arrivera jamais à l’arrière de la hachoir pour qu’il tombe à travers. Si vous réglez le ventilateur à un niveau trop élevé, le blé léger sera tout simplement expulsé de la chaussure.

Inspectez la mangeoire de la moissonneuse-batteuse pour vous assurer qu’elle fonctionne correctement. Il peut sembler durable, mais il peut se briser s’il n’est pas correctement entretenu.

Ajustez l’en-tête de la moissonneuse-batteuse. L’en-tête de la moissonneuse-batteuse devra être ajusté en fonction de la hauteur du blé à couper. L’en-tête doit être réglé pour obtenir le plus de blé possible avec le moins de paille possible.

Maintenir une température de 5 C à 15 C à l’endroit où le grain est entreposé. Plus la température est élevée, plus le grain se gâtera rapidement.

Nettoyez votre entrepôt. Afin d’éviter la détérioration de votre grain, assurez-vous que l’aire dâ! €™entreposage est propre. Nettoyez votre entrepôt avant et après chaq! ue utilisation.

Séchez le blé. Vous devrez sécher votre grain après la récolte pour vous assurer qu’il peut être entreposé en toute sécurité.

Effectuez l’entretien nécessaire sur votre moissonneuse-batteuse. Cela permettra d’assurer des performances optimales. Utilisez le manuel du propriétaire pour vous assurer des exigences spécifiques de votre moissonneuse-batteuse.

Régler le patin de nettoyage. Le sabot de nettoyage se compose d’un tamis de nettoyage et d’un tamis de nettoyage. Réglez-le de manière à ce qu’il ne soit ni trop étroit ni trop large. Consultez le manuel du propriétaire pour connaître les réglages du fabricant.

what does living "green" mean to you?

Ramona Pago: Our purpose in existence = stay existence to the Fullest. you're question makes us ask your self no count number if it is our merely purpose in existence and the thank you to realize that. existence existence to the Fullest = stay at present because it is your final day, on no account remorseful related to the previous , do no longer difficulty approximately destiny. all persons could have our very own record . I even have mine, this is extremely trouble-free yet manageable. as an occasion a million) to start on a daily basis joyfully and end it fortunately. 2) To make a minimum of a million individual's day chuffed 3) profession determination - to attain a .... placed up with suggestions from the year ... the record can flow on. once you have this targets , we attempt to achive this to our maximum suitable means. This reports could make us wiser and a greater proper individual . Do a private overview each 10 yrs. have you ever grown wiser, has the reports ma! de you a greater proper individual . If no longer, it's time to handle it. Has your relationship with God better ? How is your self self belief ? All this is defined in stay existence to the fullest. There are alot of alternative definitions for this, yet too long to flow on....Show more

Leticia Laiben: I think you can still be green and not primative. Technology has improved our way of life. Proof of that is the increased life span, due to medical technology. The problem is that in the beginning, no one did anything to prevent the destruction of our environment. When Cananda got bent out of shape about factories in the Northern U.S. polluting their country, those factories were relocated to Mexico. We can't change the past, so now we have to find a way to either fix it or prevent further damage....Show more


Comment s’amuser sur Pokémon X ou Y

Comment s’amuser sur Pokémon X ou Y

Faites évoluer les Pokémon qui n’ont pas atteint leur évolution finale parce qu’ils évoluent différemment qu’avec les niveaux.

Attrapez Zygarde. Vous pouvez trouver Zygarde dans la grotte de Terminus Cave. Attention ! Attention ! Zygarde est au niveau 70, vous aurez donc besoin de Pokémon assez forts (mais pas trop forts) avec vous.

Battez-vous, jouez au chat et accordez O Powers en ligne !

Finissez la partie. C’est une évidence, bien sûr ! Ne pensez pas que le jeu est terminé après avoir battu Team Flare ! Dirigez-vous vers le huitième City Gym, puis dirigez-vous vers la Ligue des Pokémon pour défier les Elite Four et Diantha. Assurez-vous d’avoir beaucoup de potions, d’éthers et de revivifiants Max avec vous !

Amenez tous vos Pokémon au niveau 100.

Attrape Mewtwo. Allez à la grotte de Pokémon Village, qui aurait dû êt! re bloquée auparavant, et Mewtwo sera là, prêt à être attrapé. Attention ! Attention ! Mewtwo est de niveau 70, vous aurez donc besoin de Pokémon assez forts (mais pas trop forts) avec vous.

Dirigez-vous vers Lumiose City, puis allez à la gare. Là, le professeur Sycamore peut vous conduire au col de Kiloude City. Dans cette ville, les principales attractions comprennent le Friend Safari, un endroit spécial où vous pouvez attraper des Pokémon de la même espèce que ceux de votre ami, et Battle Maison, où vous pouvez gagner des récompenses pour vous battre et acheter des objets.

Échangez pour obtenir des Pokémon qui ne peuvent pas être capturés dans Pokémon X ou Y.

Faites éclore des Pokémon brillants ! Il faudra beaucoup de travail, mais c’est très gratifiant d’avoir enfin les pattes sur cette créature rare et étincelante. Ajoutez du style à votre équipe !

Attrapez l’oiseau légendaire â€" cela dépend du Pokémon d’e! ntrée que vous obtenez. Si vous avez choisi Fennekin, vous po! urrez attraper le légendaire électrique, si vous avez choisi Chespin, vous pourrez obtenir l’eau légendaire et si vous avez choisi Froakie, vous pourrez obtenir le légendaire feu. Marchez jusqu’à un endroit où vous pouvez rencontrer des Pokémon sauvages et l’oiseau légendaire apparaîtra, mais fuyez avant de pouvoir vous déplacer. Utilisez le Pokedex pour retrouver l’endroit où l’oiseau s’est enfui, et aussi vite que possible, sans utiliser Fly, dirigez-vous vers cet endroit et rencontrez-les à nouveau. Une fois que vous l’aurez fait plusieurs fois, l’oiseau se rendra à la tanière de l’Esprit de la mer. Allez là-bas et vous pourrez vous battre et l’attraper. Attention ! Attention ! Les oiseaux légendaires sont au niveau 70, vous aurez donc besoin de Pokémon assez forts (mais pas trop forts) avec vous.

Complétez votre Pokedex. C’est presque impossible, c’est pourquoi vous jouez encore beaucoup.


Another Global Warming question?

Josefine Weekey: Global warming and cooling have been going on for over three billion years. Humans are helping to warm things up by sheer numbers alone and many bad habits. Greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and much worse methane are to blame. They allow UV and sunlight through the atmosphere, but prevent infrared from being released from the earth's surface at night. Humans produce it and release it from underground natural storage containers....Show more

Rachell Meese: attacking the messengers is not changing the science.

Gerardo Greist: It must be co2 causing a warming trend, correct?that is the question.

Elmo Tervo: Tradable Permits Definition

Norine Lomonte: GW is caused by the earth's relationship to the sun, the output of the sun, and other cosmic effects like cosmic ray counts. AGW is political bullying and nonsense. CO2 is a FOLLOWING indicator, natural CO2 comprises 3% of the atmosphere, and human caused CO2 comprise 0.0037% o! f THAT. It is ridiculous to think an amount that small can do ANYTHING to the atmosphere....Show more

Frank Gazaway: Global warming (and cooling) is a never-ending cycle that has been going on for millions of years and will continue for millions more.

Tracy Huesso: The basic idea is... the government decides it wants to restrict some measurable activity, usually emissions of something. But the government doesn't care who does what emitting, just that no more than a certain amount of emitting is done total.So, it will issue permits for chunks of emissions (or whatever other activity), based on some formula or simply by auction. But the person or company to whom the permit is issued doesn't have to use it themselves. They can sell or give the permit to someone else, and then that other person or company can do that permit's worth of emitting....Show more

Karl Jantzen: Are these folks so clueless as to think that this is not contributing enormous amounts o! f their dreaded CO2??This is the sort of behavior that has mad! e the Catastrophic, Man-made, Global Warming crowd to be a laughing stock.And I'll bet that they aren't staying in $19.00 per night hotels and eating Ramen Noodles, either.Have they no shame?Any guess as to how much jet fuel this party is going to burn? When will these hypocritical antics be condemned and prosecuted??...Show more

Vita Moodie: It's a great party with tons of great food.

Carmina Stickney: It would be more accurate to call it Global Climate Change. Yes I believe in it.Global Warming, based on actual measured data, not computer models, stopped in 1998. The temperature was stable until 2002, and has been cooling ever since.This is what the earth does. It is a dynamic system and is always changing. The day that it stops changing is the day that we go extinct.There are alot of reasonable and reasoned theories about global warming (and a whole lot of straight up crazy theories about global warming). First, lets understand the CO2 levels are a resu! lt of global warming, not the cause of. As the oceans warm they release the dissolved CO2 they contain into the atmosphere. Thats why you will see a lag of anywhere from 20 to 89 years between the temperature increase and the CO2 levels.I think the best theory I have seen is about the Milankovitch Cycle. This cycle is primarily a 100,000 year cycle, with smaller 10,000 year and 1,500 year cycles. Warming an cooling are both caused by a number of different factors (none having anything to do with humans). Primary is the earths position in its orbit of the sun, also the angle of the earth to the sun, and the earths wobble as it orbits the sun.One thing that the AGW alarmists always fail to consider is; if mankind is causing global warming, and not the sun, why is it warming on Venus, Mars, and Neptune? Probably those Damn SUV's!!! LOL...Show more

Lulu Bukowiecki: GW is a major scam manipulated by the governments worldwide to provoke fear & panic attacks in societi! es, and to raise/create taxes to "control the problem". Many entities ! & persons are getting very rich with this money-making machine.To make things more painful for societies, the USA government manipulates weather by using the HAARP project.My 2 cents....Show more

Jeremy Donohue: GW- natural cycleAGW-UN trojan horse for global domination

Dick Ovdenk: I think Global Warming is a scam. Come on-the Polar bears are drowning? The babies are dying because the mothers are going too far SOUTH, and then the babies die in the summer waiting to get back across when they run out of food. And also, we are burning a hole in the atmosphere!!!! AHHH. I'm SOOO scared. I'm more afraid of getting a paper-cut! PHOOEY!!!! All those commercials in the movies before the feature presentation about Go Green are sooo annoying. They make me sick. What kind of world are we turning it into. We are brainwashing our kids with all this baloney!The earth goes in a cycle around the sun-every so years it gets closer, then every so years it gets farther away, then ! every so years it gets closer. I've done my research!A few years ago in about 1995-everyone thought there was going to be another ice-age!I totally don't agree with John Bullock, or whatever. That's americas problem, all it's citizens hate it! Whatever Mr. Once Again The US Screws Us All!I am a true American, therefore I love america! Yeah, we've made our mistakes, but I am still loyal to my country!Also, what do you think all the volcanoes are doing to our atmosphere? That, as I call it, is mother nature, but I'm sure as you would say, that's the presidents fault. LOL...Show more

Coy Tapley: Have you ever wondered why people don't debate what the speed of light is? This can pe measured and determined by almost anyone.However this isn't the way "global warming" is determined. "Global warming" is determined by the number of scientists who vote on if they believe the data. This is subjective science, subjective on what they believe.If you have to believe something, t! hat's religion and better discussed my the mystics. Real science is ob! jective and determined by the math....Show more

Dorinda Metzer: their total emmisions is less than one coal power plant. get real.

Lionel Tanen: Yes I do. And while everyone is blaming cars as the primary cause I believe its being caused mostly by Jets flying at 25K-55-K feet burning jet fuel. Look at all the thousands of Jets flying at a high altitude everyday where the exhaust is instantly affecting the atmosphere. I think its not only the engine that is causing the problem either. Its also being effected by solar activity which also effects the atmosphere...Show more

Johnny Sirko: The global warming crowd is not a laughingstock. I have no clue where you got that notion. The people who deny climate change are the ones known universally as clowns.Nevertheless, I don't disagree with your overall point. And I see no reason for tens of thousands of people to attend a convention about an easily accessible subject when a large number of them won't actively do ! anything to stop global warming....Show more

Evelin Turlich: Basically Carbon Credits. For example, I have a company named 'XYZ' and you own a company 'ABC'. We are both are licensed to emit 100 tons of pollutants to do reasonable manufacturing. Now my company cleans up the air and goes down to 10 tons. So I can sell your company, ABC, 90 tons of Tradable Permits....Show more

Reginald Maxi: And who, exactly is saying that we should not fly at all?We need to use less hydrocarbons, but only anti-pipeline advocates and anti-nuclear advocates need to use zero, until alternatives are online.

Cyndy Grimes: Because I'm sure they will have really good food and drink --- and great entertainment too. And of course it's FREE for them. Me and you and the rest of the taxpayers are picking up the tab, just like we've been doing for the last 30 years of this SCAM.-----------------------

Donovan Stallons: Marvin the Martian would tend to disagree.Now that solar max ! is about done for this solar cycle, Marvin is slowly getting his pole b! ack.

Jodie Capella: Clearly the Sun does nothing to warm the planet. That would be breaking Myth #4.http://greenhome.huddler.com/wiki/global-warming-m...Only man made co2 causes the planet to warm up. This is the reason why Mars is so cold. They have co2, but it's not man made....Show more

Rosella Figliola: Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation.The average global air temperature near the Earth's surface increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the hundred years ending in 2005.[1] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gas concentrations"[1] via the greenhouse effect. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with ! volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950 and a small cooling effect from 1950 onward.[2][3]These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least thirty scientific societies and academies of science,[4] including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.[5][6][7] While individual scientists have voiced disagreement with some findings of the IPCC,[8] the overwhelming majority of scientists working on climate change agree with the IPCC's main conclusions.[9][10]Climate model projections summarized by the IPCC indicate that average global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the twenty-first century.[1] The range of values results from the use of differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions as well as models with differing climate sensitivity. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise are expected to con! tinue for more than a thousand years even if greenhouse gas levels are ! stabilized. The delay in reaching equilibrium is a result of the large heat capacity of the oceans.[1]Increasing global temperature will cause sea level to rise, and is expected to increase the intensity of extreme weather events and to change the amount and pattern of precipitation. Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.Remaining scientific uncertainties include the amount of warming expected in the future, and how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but there is ongoing political and public debate worldwide regarding what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse future warming or to adapt to its expected consequences....Show more

Sammy Kar: I tired finding a definition bu! t i don't really understand it........

Lyndon Mattas: I think everyone forgets the 250+ atmospheric nuclear tests the American govt undertook between 1950-1990.I'm sure letting off 250 bombs hundreds of times more powerful than Hirshima is not entirely harmless to the atmosphere.Once again- the US screws us all....Show more

Denna Prudente: I think global warming is just the earth going through another phase of it's existence. Right now the human race is most dominant. If the world does flood, we'll either have adapted by then, or we will all die and another species will take over.

Arleen Bussing: " will these hypocritical antics be condemned and prosecuted??" of course not they have all the media backing them saying how important it all is, how it is vital to Earth survival and other nonsense.However wouldn't you jump at a chance to have a paid holiday in Lima (I would) I am sure they are trying to work out how to fit in a few more climate conventions, it! doesn't matter if they don't achieve anything it is fun jetsetting aro! und the world....Show more

Hope Lundmark: Can you explain what Tradable Permits are.... I tried finding a definition but i dont really clearly understand it.... * Please do not copy and paste from a dictionary.... i want a explanation in clear words sooooooo its easier for me to understand :D


Comment faire une potion à emporter dans RuneScape

Comment faire une potion à emporter dans RuneScape

Mélanger un wergali propre avec un flacon d’eau. Ceci créera une « Potion Wergali (unf) ».

Recueillir les ingrédients.

Utilise la plume mauviette dessus. Cela créera une potion à trois doses.

Atteindre le niveau 58 en herboristerie.


conservation of shells....my science teacher is wack and is assigning us a 3 pge paper on the conservation of?

Kiersten Clayburn: Your teacher's not wack. But what do you mean when you say conservation of shells? Do you mean how to keep museum-quality artifacts, or do you mean like why you shouldn't take shells from the beach?Generally, shells are important for a couple of reasons: they serve as a substrate for many invertebrates (clams and mussels, for example), and in many marine systems shells are broken down into sand and help provide nutrients (mostly calcium) for plants and animals....Show more

Otto Lingafelt: Hmm, I've never heard of shell conservation - but you could try "Conservation Online" for general informationhttp://palimpsest.stanford.edu/

Bonus question 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

Carmina Stickney: sure, you submit like a demon, however i gave you that shrewd word within the first situation. one million. Call Me Monkee-Chan. But...What must I name you? lolchan And Why lol? lolcats two. If Ichigo Kurosaki Married you, Where could he desire to have the Wedding? And Why? im going to get married? three. Which Anime man or woman is sooo Nasty,Disguisting,and Nasty? oh! And unpleasant, That he makes L appear like God. sakura. enuff mentioned. four. Which could you instead Meet, The stupidest Anime man or woman, or A, Anime cat. b. Da kitty b Cute :three ( a ninja cat. that'd be terrific. i simply wish it will get in conjunction with meh puppy.) five. Will you music Into Anime Survey #22? yup ?????? BoNus: For the regs! Don't you feel Faith has to quit, her query's were not even humorous from the opening. who is religion? the troll i mentioned?...Show more

Caleb Chapman: RecyclingRecycling is a Worldwide Phenomenon, which is a basic application towa! rds the concept of Green Technology. It shows and encourages people to reuse items that can be reusable. Items like saving Cans of food or drinks, Paper etc have been encouraged by the governing bodies around America and rest of the world, to be recycled so that it can be used in the future for several other purposes. It can thus help protect the environment and cause less waste/pollution.[1][edit] Water PurificationWater purification: The whole idea of having dirt/germ/pollution free water flowing throughout the environment. Many other phenomenons’ lead from this concept of Purification of water. Water Pollution is the main enemy of this concept, and various campaigns and activists have been organized around the world to help purify Water. Considering the amount of water usage that is under current consumptions, this Concept is of utter Importance.[2][edit] Air PurificationAir Purification: basic and common green plants can be grown indoors to keep air fresh because all ! plants remove CO2 and converts it into oxygen. The best exampl! es are: Dypsis lutescens, Sansevieria trifasciata, and Epipremnum aureum.[3][edit] Sewage treatmentSewage treatment is a concept that is really close to Water Purification. Sewage Treatments are very important as it purifies water in levels of its pollution. The more the water is polluted, it’s not used for anything, the least polluted water is supplied to places where Water is used affluently. It may lead to vaious other concepts of environmental protection, sustainability etc.[4][edit] Environmental remediationEnvironmental remediation is the removal of pollutants or contaminants for the general protection of the environment. This is accomplished by various chemical, biological, and bulk movement methods, in conjunction with environmental monitoring. (encyclopedia of medical concepts)[5][edit] Solid waste managementSolid waste management is the purification, Consumption, Reuse, Disposal and Treatment of solid waste that is looked after by the government or the ruling bo! dies of a city/town.[6][edit] Renewable energyRenewable energy is energy that can be replenished easily. For years we have been using sources like wood, sun, water etc for means for producing energy. Energy that can be produced by natural objects like wood, sun, wind etc is considered to be renewable.[7][edit] eGain forecastingEgain forecasting is a method using forecasting technology to predict the future weather's impact on a building. [8] By adjusting the heat based on the weather forecast, the system eliminates redundant use of heat, thus reducing the energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases.[9][edit] Alternative and clean powerSearch Wikiversity Wikiversity has learning materials about Appropriate technology DesignsPrinciples: * Green syndicalism * Sustainability * Sustainable design * Sustainable engineeringScientists continue to search for clean energy alternatives to our current power production methods. Some technologies such as anaerobi! c digestion produce renewable energy from waste materials. The global r! eduction of greenhouse gases is dependent on the adoption of energy conservation technologies at industrial level as well as this clean energy generation. That includes using unleaded gasoline, solar energy and alternative fuel vehicles, including plug-in hybrid and hybrid electric vehicles.Since electric motors consume 60% of all electricity generated,[citation needed] advanced energy efficient electric motor (and electric generator) technology that are cost effective to encourage their application, such as the brushless wound-rotor doubly-fed electric machine and energy saving module, can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) that would otherwise be introduced to the atmosphere, if electricity is generated using fossil fuels. Greasestock is an event held yearly in Yorktown Heights, New York which is one of the largest showcases of environmental technology in the United States.[10][11][12][13][14][edit] CriticismExtreme radical environmentalism! , exhibited in publications such as Green Anarchy, criticizes the concept of environmental technology.[citation needed] From this viewpoint, technology is seen as a system rather than a specific physical tool. Technology, accordingly, requires the exploitation of the environment through the creation and extraction of resources, and the exploitation of people through labor, specialization and the division of labor. Thus, no “neutral” form of technology; things are always created in a certain context with certain aims and functions. Green technology is rejected as an attempt to reform this exploitative system, merely changing it on the surface to make it seem environmentally friendly, despite continued unsustainable levels of human and natural exploitati...Show more


did the Holocaust affect germany's economy?  

did the Holocaust affect germany's economy?  

answers 0:did it in any way if it or not... also have any ideas for a research paper on the holocaust by the way?answers 1:it causes a smaller working population, as well as a significantly reduced number of workers who were specialized in higher order economic activities.answers 2:yes it reduced unemployment artificially and caused an increase in higher education due to more demand of skilled labour. Furthermore there was brain drain and many brilliant minds who could have helped germany were wastedanswers 3:WWII had such a huge effect on Germany's economy that it's almost impossible to separate out what effect the Holocaust might have had on its own.answers 4:Well, the problem is that the war and the allied bombing campaigns had such a huge and well defined effect on Germany's economy that the Holocaust's contribution might be hard to separate out. Still, the slave ! labor german companies gained from the people they put in those camps, combined with the money and material goods seized by the state from those folks, and the gold from their dental fillings probably had a small but significant positive effect on the German war economy. It might have been enough to pay for the camps and the poison gas and the fuel to run the ovens.*shudders* what a horrible thing!...


how to make fuel more affordable?

Keven Drumgole: Fossil fuels are chemically stored solar energy that nature collected through photosynthesis over millions of years. All the alternative fuels, hydrogen included are energy that we must collect or produce ourselves and store chemically. Fossil fuels will always be less expensive than alternative fuels and it is the low price of fossil fuels that drive alternative fuel companies out of business. When the oil price collapsed to $12 a barrel in 1986, the alternative energy companies all bit the farm as did many of the small oil companies that did not produce in the middle east. It's wanting your fuel affordable that has shackled you to the whims of the middle east.However, as an individual, if you use a plug in hybrid or EV, electricity does not have the fuel taxes charged on gasoline and diesel for the maintenance and expansion of roads but you will have to hurry before they figure out a way to tax EV users. You can also apply to the ATF for a perm! it to distill ethanol as a fuel. This actually takes a lot of energy and creates a lot of waste which would be illegal to pour down the drain. But if you build a concentrated high temperature solar panel to heat the still, use rotten fruits collected from grocery stores and you have large fields where you can use the wastes as fertilizers, you would also be avoiding the road taxes. If you have a diesel car, you could have it modified to use waste vegetable oil and collect oil from local restaurants but the days of free waste cooking oil are coming to an end as people realize there is value to the waste oil.Other alternatives are that there are purchase clubs where you can buy your fuel on a contract in advance locking the price in. These are more common in rural areas but there has been some efforts to contract with a gas station chain or a credit card company to offer it on a larger scale.You won't save anything with E85, they price it so that it's the same price p! er unit of energy as gasoline....Show more

Bo Perham: Fu! el is used for many things. Here we discuss Alternative Fuel Vehicles. Using alternatives to traditional petrochemicals may be one way to lower the cost of fuel. On a personal basis many have been able to adapt a diesel vehicle and make bio-diesel at home from waste cooking oil. Once the source becomes more costly the economics are not as goodElectricity can be a very affordable fuel for a vehicle. The electric car can be costly. This is most true where batteries are used to store electricity on the vehicle. Operator conditions are probably the most valuable source for fuel economy. Hypermiling techniques can substantially lower fuel costs but all of them may not be safe or even legal in your location....Show more

Arnette Dominici: Find alternatives like hydrogen fuel

Booker Moros: Make fuel tax free. Stop all state and federal taxation of oil and gasoline. Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_taxes_! in_the_Uni...hidden tax on oilhttp://blog.thenewstribune.com/letters/2012/03/09/......Show more

Hai Biggart: Dump Obama and imprison his handlers.Not that I blame Obama so much.....he is simply a puppet for those who really run things for the Liberals.....oust Obama and let him do what he does best.....be a community organizer.

Robt Betker: In the US, get rid of Obama and his administration. The government is working against free enterprise.

Comment mettre des chansons protégées par iTunes sur un téléphone cellulaire

Comment mettre des chansons protégées par iTunes sur un téléphone cellulaire

Ajoutez-les à votre liste de synchronisation.

Téléchargez le convertisseur LAME mp3 sur http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq?s=install


About S.M Entertainment Auditions.?

Brittney Inabnit: That song is perfect. Does it fit your voice? Sing that ! Because it's true if you sing an SM song, they won't really like you much. They'll think you're a fan girl who's just auditioning to meet their artists. If you're good with high notes, try singing a song with many high notes. xD Practice the high notes. Practice practice practice. A lot of people sing normal songs already. You won't stand out. You need a song to stand out, and with high notes (IF you can sing it, I'm not making you sing it LOL). good luck :)...Show more

Arleen Bussing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cli7kLkZ4kM

Angelyn Ducas: You can sing whatever you want really. Sing something you reallyLOVE and GOOD at and you don't always have to sing SM. Entertainmentsongs. It is your choice really and I think that song your planning to sing is great! Keep on practicing till you think your VERY good at it.You've still got till next year for your audition so you've got plenty of t! ime to practice. You can do both, it doesn't really matter what song you sing to them (depends) but do a song you really like and good atbecause that'll give you are good advantage. You can sing SM songs if you want but you don't have to. Remember it's YOUR choice and Ucan sing whatever song you feel like singing.Good luck! :)Train Hard!!Emily fighting!...Show more

Elden Dedon: For SM Entertainment;Sing a song that does fit your voice and shows off your emotions and vocal talent the best. Yes, some people do say if you sing an SM song they will think you are flattering them or something.I think it's best if you chose a song other than from SM Entertainment.Good luck!...Show more

Antonia Boomershine: I don't think SM cares if you sing a kpop song, as long as it's not by their own artists. You should try to find a song that fits your voice whether it's kpop or not.Good luck! :)

Jesse Japak: Sing what suits best and hope for the best! If you sing a kpop song,! I think it'll be better but I still stick to my first sentenc! e. :D


television censorship?

Hope Lundmark: I think censorship and laws of decency violation are being confused.Offensive words are BLEEPED and human private parts are blurred on TV. There is a 7-second broadcast delay in radio and TV to help media stay in compliance so they don't get sued, but it's not censorship.Censorship is the Bush Administration making it illegal for news photographers to photograph Iraq soldiers in flag-draped body bags being shipped back to the US because they didn't want the public to know the truth about increasing number of lives being lost. I don't think anyone would admit being a proponent of censorship, even the perpetrators who do so on a regular basis. It's more like a dirty little secret, like buying porn magazines. Censorship, in any form, violates our constitution. It's important because the political party in power in Washington uses censorship to manipulate the press to suppress factual information unfavorable to party interests.It's important to know censorship ! is happening in order to stop it, but censorship itself provides no benefit that would qualify it as important to our society....Show more

Aubrey Tirri: Most censorship has to do with complying with the wishes of the advertisers, and it's the advertisers that make television possible. Companies that advertise can't be seen being tolerant of things that conservative buyers would find offensive.

Samara Siewers: exciting theory... the FCC extremely only controls BROADCAST television and has little or no administration over cable..... look at MTV, HBO, and different cable channels !! positive you watch a uk practice... you would be taken aback to work out the regulations in different worldwide places !! attempt North Korea, Venezuela, China, The Philippines, Singapore, etc..

Rose Krouse: Here is a censorship pro for you....Did you see Visanthe Shiancoe of the Minnesota Vikings naked in the locker room the other day on national TV? Enough said!!

Oda Mau! son: it violates the first amendmentThings you say in public a! re protected speech, why are things you say on public airwaves NOT protected?

Comment garder les fourmis loin des aliments pour chats

Comment garder les fourmis loin des aliments pour chats

p>Les fourmis peuvent être un vrai problème quand il s’agit de nourrir votre chat. Ils lui voleront sa nourriture et l’empêcheront souvent de manger. Après tout, est-ce que tu mangerais ta nourriture s’il y avait un tas de fourmis qui rampaient dessus ? Voici comment vous pouvez faire en sorte que les fourmis restent en dehors de la nourriture de votre chat.

Faites une limite autour de la nourriture. Essayez d’établir une limite autour du bol de nourriture de votre chat que les fourmis ne peuvent pas franchir. Il y a certaines substances qui aident à repousser les fourmis.

Laver le bol. Les fourmis laissent derrière elles des phéromones qui attirent plus de fourmis, alors assurez-vous de bien laver le bol à l’eau chaude et au détergent. Si le bol est lavable au lave! -vaisselle, vous pouvez le mettre dans votre lave-vaisselle.

Enlevez toutes les fourmis déjà présentes dans la gamelle de votre chat. Jetez les fourmis et la nourriture contaminée qui reste. Fermez immédiatement le sac et sortez à l’extérieur. Cela aide à empêcher les fourmis de ramper de nouveau et de retourner dans la nourriture.

Couvrir l’extérieur du bol de vaseline. Une méthode salissante pour empêcher les fourmis d’atteindre l’aliment est d’enduire l’extérieur du bol avec de la gelée de pétrole. Les fourmis ont du mal à marcher sur la surface glissante.

Utilisez les huiles essentielles en toute sécurité. De nombreuses huiles essentielles peuvent aider à repousser les fourmis. Essayez d’essuyer le sol autour de la gamelle de votre chat avec un chiffon humide qui contient quelques gouttes d’huile de menthe poivrée. Les fourmis sont repoussées par l’odeur forte.

Déplacez la zone d’alimentation. Vous pouvez! également essayer de déplacer le bol à un autre endroit. D! e cette façon, les fourmis ne pourront peut-être pas le trouver. Si des fourmis entrent dans la pièce, éloignez le bol de la colonie de fourmis.

Videz le bac à douves au besoin. L’eau peut contenir des fourmis noyées ou de la nourriture renversée. Il aura besoin d’être rafraîchi lorsqu’il commencera à s’évaporer.

Lavez les bols de nourriture. Les fourmis sont attirées par les miettes et les restes de nourriture. Lavez les bols au moins une fois tous les deux jours, ou plus si possible. Ceci est extrêmement important si vous avez un problème de fourmi.

Placez le bol dans le bac à douves. Mettez le bol de nourriture dans l’eau. Assurez-vous qu’il y a au moins un espace de 1 pouce entre le bord des douves et le bol de nourriture. Remplissez le bol de nourriture avec de la nourriture fraîche.

Utilisez un leurre pour attirer les fourmis. Une bonne façon de garder les fourmis loin de la cuvette est de placer l’amorce commerci! ale de fourmi (sous une boîte de chat-safe) dans le secteur général. Assurez-vous qu’il n’y a qu’un petit trou pour que les fourmis puissent entrer et manger le poison. En même temps, assurez-vous que votre animal ne peut pas accéder à l’appât.

Trouvez un conteneur à douves. Recherchez un récipient peu profond qui est plus large que la gamelle pour chats. Vous pouvez utiliser un plateau en argent, un moule à gâteau, un moule à tarte, une rôtissoire ou tout autre objet pouvant contenir le bol du chat.

Conservez les aliments dans un contenant de plastique hermétique. Au lieu de garder les aliments pour chats dans le sac, déplacez les aliments du sac dans le contenant en plastique après avoir ouvert le sac. Il y a beaucoup de ces derniers disponibles qui sont conçus pour la nourriture pour animaux de compagnie.

Remplir le récipient d’eau. Placez une petite quantité d’eau dans le bac à douves. Vous ne voulez pas le remplir trop ! haut pour qu’il se répande dans la nourriture, mais vous voulez asse! z d’eau pour fournir une barrière pour les fourmis. Les fourmis ne sont pas de bonnes nageuses, alors elles devraient se noyer ou empêcher les fourmis de traverser.

Continuez ce processus. Les fourmis finiront par arrêter de venir. Dans certains endroits, comme dans les climats plus chauds, vous devrez peut-être nourrir votre chat de cette manière de façon persistante, car les fourmis ne disparaissent jamais.

Gardez la zone d’alimentation propre. Dissuader les fourmis de s’intéresser au secteur alimentaire en premier lieu en le gardant propre. Balayez les miettes ou les restes de nourriture une fois que votre chat a fini de manger. Passez une vadrouille au vinaigre ou au citron sur le sol pour dissuader les fourmis de s’approcher.

Nettoyer la zone alimentaire. Après avoir enlevé les fourmis, nettoyez la zone autour de l’aliment. Vous devez enlever les traces de phéromones pour que les fourmis de la colonie ne reviennent pas. Essayez dâ€! ™utiliser du vinaigre ou du jus de citron pour effacer l’odeur et empêcher les futures fourmis d’approcher.


bbc radio frequancies for dab radio bbc radio 4 long wave and 5?

Georgia Dees: samlsteel@yahoo.co.uk National Radio FrequenciesTo find the optimum frequencies for listening to BBC national radio networks in your area: firstly find your country below; and then click on the letter of the alphabet that your nearest large town begins with.http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/waystolisten/analogue/*Have a Good Day * ~ Don ~...Show more

Comment remplacer le linoléum

Comment remplacer le linoléum

Retirer l’ancien linoléum.

Préparez le sous-sol.

Achetez des carreaux de linoléum ou des feuilles de linoléum.

Remplacez toute garniture ou moulure que vous avez enlevée plus tôt.

Déterminez votre sous-sol.

Enlevez les moulures ou les moulures qui bordent votre plancher à l’aide de l’arrière d’un marteau.

Mesurez la longueur et la largeur de la pièce et multipliez les chiffres ensemble pour trouver la zone.

Installer le nouveau linoléum.

Is there any kind of radio that I can receive radio from China?

Moira Woodrow: ur not allowed to do that, theyre communist, theyll kill you lol

Dawn Saha: Online is the only way to hear Chinese radio.

Coralie Goldsberry: A good shortwave radio should be able to pick up China Radio International and Radio Taiwan International. If you're looking for broadcasts in Chinese, that will be a little more difficult to pick up over the air because shortwave signals are targeted to specific regions. Programs in Asian languages would generally only be easily heard in Asia. You might be able to pick Chinese-language broadcasts from other SW stations such as Radio Canada International, Voice of America, etc., but those would have content from their country of origin, not Chinese news, music, etc.Try these sites for some information about SW radios:http://www.dxing.com/swrx.htmhttp://www.hamuniverse.com/shortwave.htmlhttp://swling.com/Radios.htmAnd these for information about the two Chinese broadcasters I mentioned above:http://www.chin! abroadcast.cn/http://www.rti.org.tw/index.aspxYou should be able to find a number of streaming audio sources for Chinese language "broadcasts"....Show more


which is the best and genuine survey site which paid me really?

Tillie Wynott: Take Surveys Get Money - http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?pqTu

Toshiko Reimers: 1

Bo Perham: I'm a mature person - not a youngster - with considerable experience of life, and I simply don't understand the concept you describe.Why on earth would any company "pay" people for completing surveys?Why would such surveys be genuinely needed?Companies wishing to run customer surveys employ their own people who do this in person


poll - whats the most funniest/best section(s) on yahoo answers?

Jed Mutone: my favourites are polls and surveys and the yahoo answers section.polls and surveys is fun, while yahoo answers is knoledge worthyi rarely visit others, apart from maybe adolescents or other - general health care or women's health or some others..

Dwight Siniard: The Physics section is a mad house. They're all pervs.

Paul Maymi: p&s

Antonia Boomershine: wait, what? you're saying there are OTHER sections?oh my...........Show more

Comment nettoyer un Teezer Tangle

Comment nettoyer un Teezer Tangle

p>A Tangle Teezer est une brosse à cheveux conçue pour dompter facilement les cheveux épais et bouclés. Au fil du temps, votre brosse peut avoir des poils errants et des débris qui s’accumulent entre les poils. Chaque semaine environ, enlevez les poils avec les doigts et frottez les soies avec une brosse à dents. De cette façon, votre pinceau reste en pleine forme.

Retirez tous les poils attachés à la brosse après qu’elle soit mouillée. Avec les doigts, soulevez les cheveux en commençant par le haut de la brosse. Rassemblez les poils ensemble pour les enlever en un seul morceau solide si possible. Tenez la brosse sous l’eau pendant que vous faites ceci pour vous assurer que vous obtenez tous les poils.

Tremper la brosse dans un bol d’eau tiède pendant 1 minute pour enlever les accumulations. Si votre pinceau est trÃ! ¨s sale, essayez de le tremper un peu pour enlever les résidus tenaces. Placez la brosse dans l’eau tiède à l’envers, et ajoutez 1-2 gouttes de shampooing. Mélangez l’eau avec la brosse, et retirez la brosse après qu’elle ait trempé pendant un certain temps.

Séchez la brosse avec une serviette propre. Lorsque vous avez terminé, placez votre Teezer Tangle sur une serviette pendant 2 à 5 minutes pour qu’il puisse sécher. Ensuite, rangez votre brosse dans votre armoire ou sur votre étagère jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à l’utiliser de nouveau.

Secouez le Tangle Teezer d’avant en arrière pour vous débarrasser de l’excès d’eau. Si de l’eau est emprisonnée à l’intérieur de la brosse, déplacez-la doucement d’un côté à l’autre pendant 30 secondes ou jusqu’à ce que l’eau ait disparu et que votre brosse soit sèche.

Tenez le Tangle Teezer sous l’eau chaude courante. Pour mouiller votre pinceau, laissez dâ€! ™abord l’eau couler dessus pendant environ 30 secondes. Il e! st ainsi plus facile d’arracher les poils des soies.

Rincer à l’eau tiède tout résidu de savon ou de résidu. Une fois que vous vous êtes débarrassé des poils et des débris, tenez votre Tangle Teezer sous l’eau chaude courante pendant environ 30 secondes. Ceci permet d’éliminer la saleté restante.

Appliquer 3 à 5 gouttes de shampooing pour nettoyer les poils et la base. Presser le shampooing directement sur le Teezer Tangle. Vous n’avez besoin que de quelques gouttes pour frotter la brosse.

Frotter le Tangle Teezer avec une vieille brosse à dents pour un nettoyage en profondeur. Après avoir appliqué votre savon ou trempé la brosse, frottez une brosse à dents sur les poils. Ceci nettoie la brosse et élimine la saleté et les débris. Déplacez la brosse à dents dans un mouvement circulaire. Après 1-2 minutes, votre brosse devrait être propre.


how can i download music video for free?

Trena Berum: Go to http://unlimitedmusicdownloadsonline.comUnlimited music downloads for free

Comment éviter de développer un complexe d’infériorité

Comment éviter de développer un complexe d’infériorité

Le sentiment d’infériorité par rapport aux autres provient de multiples facteurs qui s’intègrent progressivement dans le caractère d’une personne dans son ensemble. Elle peut avoir de graves effets à long terme sur votre bien-être psychologique et mental. Heureusement, vous pouvez éviter de développer un complexe d’infériorité, peu importe les défis que la vie vous lance.

Lutte contre les agressions relationnelles. Si quelqu’un essaie de vous manipuler, vous devez comprendre ce que cela signifie et comment cela vous affecte. Si quelqu’un vous fait vous sentir inférieur au travail parce que vous voulez tous les deux une promotion à venir, c’est ce qu’on appelle une agression relationnelle. Ils peuvent essayer de renforcer leur propre position en vous rabaissa! nt et en vous faisant sentir inadéquat et inapte à gravir les échelons de la carrière. Cela arrive le plus souvent chez les femmes, mais cela peut arriver à n’importe qui.

Lâchez l’amertume et la colère. L’amertume et la colère peuvent vous amener à vous sentir mal dans votre peau. Ces émotions négatives drainent l’énergie et vous font perdre de l’estime de soi et gaspillent votre précieuse énergie. Si votre colère est rationnelle et justifiée par des circonstances hostiles, utilisez-la pour vous motiver.

Soyez à l’affût des critiques. Il se peut que vous soyez confronté à des critiques concernant des circonstances que vous ne pouvez pas changer. Cela peut impliquer que d’autres personnes vous critiquent pour des choses que vous ne pouvez pas changer, comme les handicaps, l’orientation sexuelle, la couleur de peau, la race, l’origine ethnique ou tout autre aspect de votre vie. Cet abus verbal laisse très souvent une personn! e se sentir émotionnellement marquée par de graves problème! s d’estime de soi.

Apprenez à accepter votre moi tout entier â€" y compris vos forces et vos défauts. Montrez de l’appréciation et du respect pour votre propre unicité et tous les aspects positifs que vous avez accomplis et que vous espérez accomplir. Connaissez vos propres limites et apprenez à connaître vos forces. Évitez toute personne ou situation qui vous entraînera émotionnellement vers le bas et créera un doute sur vos propres capacités en tant qu’individu, ce qui peut vous amener à penser que vous êtes inférieur. S’il y a des aspects de votre vie que vous pouvez améliorer, faites-le de façon constructive. Tirer parti de vos faiblesses et les améliorer est la meilleure façon d’éviter de vous sentir inférieur.

Trouver du soutien social. Des études ont montré que les gens ont des réactions physiques lorsqu’ils s’intègrent et sont exclus de la dynamique de groupe. Vous avez aussi plus de chances d’avoir de l’estime ! de soi, surtout si les gens autour de vous sont des gens positifs et heureux.

Aimez-vous vous-même. La compassion de soi, ou s’aimer soi-même, est un tremplin vers l’acceptation de soi et la défaite d’un complexe d’infériorité. Faites-vous plaisir avec la même gentillesse et la même compréhension que vous montrez à vos amis. Sachez que l’imperfection, l’échec et la difficulté font tous partie de la vie, et que personne n’est parfait ou n’obtient toujours exactement ce qu’il veut. Au lieu de réagir par autocritique ou de vous rabaisser, traitez-vous avec sympathie et gentillesse.

Détourne-toi de la rumination. Renforcez vos croyances et efforcez-vous d’aller de l’avant dans une direction positive et plus réussie. Ne vous laissez pas prendre dans le doute et les idéaux contradictoires que les autres tentent de vous imposer, ce qui ne peut que vous faire vous sentir mal dans votre peau.

S’occuper de la microagression. Pa! rfois, des commentaires discriminatoires peuvent se produire de façon ! subtile, comme une simple supposition faite à votre sujet en fonction de votre race, de votre classe sociale, de votre sexe ou d’une autre identité. C’est ce qu’on appelle une microagression.

Ignorez les pensées négatives. Lorsque vous passez trop de temps dans le passé ou que vous pensez à ce qui aurait pu arriver, vous risquez de vous laisser entraîner dans des pensées négatives. Cela peut être difficile si les autres sont négatifs à votre sujet ou tentent de vous faire tomber. Cela ne fera que vous abattre et vous faire rester coincé dans votre tête, ce qui peut vous amener à penser que vous êtes inférieur aux autres.

Cherchez tous les agendas cachés. Le plus souvent, les gens qui aiment intimider les autres le font pour servir leurs propres fins. Garder quelqu’un mal informé ou moins bien informé aide souvent à renforcer le sentiment de bien-être de cette personne à vos dépens. Au lieu de le prendre, essayez des choses pour vo! us autonomiser dans ces situations.


Have you seen any movies lately that disturbed your inner being?

Emilie Santmyer: Land Of The Lost. It was disturbingly stupid. Something about that movie really rubbed me the wrong way.

Brock Anwar: true blood season 5

Alberto Kozub: The last movie I saw was Mortal Instruments and the movie I saw before that was The Lone Ranger. Suffice to say, I don't think either disturbed my inner being. Although Tanto might have.

Curtis Josef: Yes! 'A Serbian Movie'

I need to find statistics for a research project.?  

I need to find statistics for a research project.?  

answers 0:I would like to know how many people bought tooth whitening products last year.answers 1:What would happen if your asked the manufacturers? Also, there could be market groups specializing in these products.There is always the American Dental Association. You may need to dig a little but no biggy.


Insidious, great and scary movie?

Raul Tllo: yeah!! i loved this movie . great storyline and somewhat SCARY

Marco Stolarz: scariest movie of all the 254200 movies i've seen. Cant recommend it more man.

Nikki Sypult: Yes it was the scariest movie I've seen all year. Its one of my favorite movies (in my top 100) and it's in my top 25 horror moviesDon't listen to the other Guy Friday The 13th is about Jason and he kills people in Crystal Lake. Freddy has stuff to do about dreams as he kills people in their dreams hence "Nightmare On Elm Street" but anyway Insidious great movie I highly recommended it (however the ending is bullshit*t)...Show more

Should we have to work for a living?  

Should we have to work for a living?  

answers 0:Should we have to work for a living?answers 1:Until such time that robots take over every aspect of resource acquisition, agriculture, production, retail, and delivery to the point that no effort is required on the part of humans, only then will I support the socialistic distribution of basic goods. However, work will always exist for those who want to get "extra" things - even if I do not even have the ability to conceive what the work of the future will be.answers 2:Of course not. Many people choose not to work. They mooch off the government. They also live in poor housing with crime and poverty as a fact of life. If you want to be a permanent member of the underclass, by all means make no effort to contribute to society. Expect that someone else will collect your garbage, maintain your water and sewer systems, produce food that is available to you, build ! roads and bridges, offer medical and dental services, build and maintain telecommunication systems, provide entertainment, education, safety, fire protection, and ensure that foreign countries do not lay siege to your home....answers 3:Yes for those who can, but 20 hours a week or 1000 hours a year should be enough.the rest is wasted on pampering the rich and maintaining a poor jobless underclassanswers 4:Heck no.The Government has enough money, that if it closed all those overseas Bases, and cut the Navy in Half, Doubled the Coast Guard and Border patrol nobody would ever have to work again.The problem is who would supply the food, how would it get to the people, if nobody is working......