
any dental hygienist who can tell me around how much they get pay?  

any dental hygienist who can tell me around how much they get pay?  

answers 0:any dental hygienist who can tell me around how much they get pay?answers 1:Do a zip code search at http://www.careerbuilders.com or http://www.monster.com or http://www.payscale.com You can also check with the US Department of Labor at http://www.bls.gov/ or check http://www.healthresource.org/HRP/salaryranges.aspanswers 2:I am currently in hygiene school, however, I have worked in dentistry for 2 years. I live near the Indianapolis, IN area and hygienist here make between $30-$40 per hour....sometimes more depending on location, experience, etc. Hope this helps you! It is a fabulous career!!answers 3:I am a dental hygienist in Boise, Idaho...And although I will not tell you what I make personally, hygienists in this area make approximately $28-$34 an hour.But,! I have heard that this varies significantly depending on which part of the country you live in, so I would take Dr. Sam's advice and do a zip code search.

