
Should we have to work for a living?  

Should we have to work for a living?  

answers 0:Should we have to work for a living?answers 1:Until such time that robots take over every aspect of resource acquisition, agriculture, production, retail, and delivery to the point that no effort is required on the part of humans, only then will I support the socialistic distribution of basic goods. However, work will always exist for those who want to get "extra" things - even if I do not even have the ability to conceive what the work of the future will be.answers 2:Of course not. Many people choose not to work. They mooch off the government. They also live in poor housing with crime and poverty as a fact of life. If you want to be a permanent member of the underclass, by all means make no effort to contribute to society. Expect that someone else will collect your garbage, maintain your water and sewer systems, produce food that is available to you, build ! roads and bridges, offer medical and dental services, build and maintain telecommunication systems, provide entertainment, education, safety, fire protection, and ensure that foreign countries do not lay siege to your home....answers 3:Yes for those who can, but 20 hours a week or 1000 hours a year should be enough.the rest is wasted on pampering the rich and maintaining a poor jobless underclassanswers 4:Heck no.The Government has enough money, that if it closed all those overseas Bases, and cut the Navy in Half, Doubled the Coast Guard and Border patrol nobody would ever have to work again.The problem is who would supply the food, how would it get to the people, if nobody is working......

