
What are some common magazine sections?

Benny Stehno: For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avvk8This will vary from individual to individual so it is difficult to precisely say how common this is. I do not buy any books or magazines but I do wear a rainbow bracelet. A lot of my friends also wear one piece of jewelry or another so I believe it is quite common to wear jewelry showing gay pride and support....Show more

Rick Duchane: Table of contentsLetters to the editorTrivia PageArticles related to the subject of the magazineAdvertisementsRecipesFitness TipsPhotosA humorous anecdote at the end...Show more

Mitzie Clough: A section where reader send in their problem and the magazine give advice to it.A story on a person, like a profile, most likely the cover girl or boy of the magazine.A story that touch on a social issue relatable to the target audience of the magazine. (I.e. since Teen vogue targets teenagers, they had published a story on divorce.)

Percy Seiger: Magazi! ne Sections

