
Car repair fraud - what to do?

Violette Vanek: you need to contact the division of motor vehicles in your state ...they will tell you what you need to do...there is a certain way to handle this...if you dont u will wind up with zero....you will never get this mechanic to swear that the work was not done unless u let him dismantle the engine and see what was or wasnt done....you wont scare this place...they are pros at this...type of stuff....be smart..dont get mad ...get even

Toya Braskett: Is the mechanic you showed it to willing to put into written form that the engine was not taken apart and the head gasket was not changed? If so you have a case. Contact whoever did the work, tell them the problem is not fixed, and you are relatively sure they didn't replace the head gaskets, and see what they say.I'd go for a refund and then I'd take the car and pay the $1,800 to have it done right. It was your wanting to save a dollar that led to this when you stop and think about it.If they are not willi! ng to work with you, then yes, I'd contact the attorney generals office. No, if you "call the cops to his workshop" they will tell you this is a civil matter....Show more

Dorine Nurre: First off, you need to have the mechanic that verified that the work was not done, to write a statement out and get it notarized. You've got nothing if you can't prove it. I would then approach the 'workshop' and let them know if they do not refund your money, your headed for the Bureau of Automotive Repair, Better Business Bureau and any news station that is willing to put your issue on TV.If this doesn't put a burr in this owner butt...I would do just that. I would also start a small claims action against the 'shop'....Show more

Toya Braskett: This is a good ploy and thy do this just to see if you will bit%^. Go to the dealer in person and demand to see the service manager . Explain your dilemma and Show him the paperwork. If this does not get you results, talk to the dealer! ship owner and if that don't work talk to your BBB

Cliff! Jacoby: You can confront them but take a witness or two with you. As far as the violence suggested by some here...not wise. The AG's office can be very helpful. The BBB has no power. TV stations can be helpful. The police can't get involved as it is a civil matter.

