
Target market of Pan Pacific KLIA hotel?

Jannette Kotz: Target market = business traveller who transit in KLIA.Future target market remains the same.

Luke Gacusan: Current potential: High profile victims of H1-N1 virus at KLIA.Future potential: Datin Aishwarya Rai & clans

Nannie Kasee: I don't think that they will have much of a future if they keep on trying to charge crazy prices like they did with me a few weeks ago (They wanted RM900+ for 8 hours stay)

Jinny Dronen: yes selling satay is good

Rose Krouse: Current target market: Convenience and comfort seekers, i.e. passengers and outsiders willing to pay, instead of using the facilities of the airport. Future market target: Transit Passengers of less than 12 hours, for example, as traffic congestion prevent them to go down town KLCC.....for alternatiuves.

