
Can i use Tivo without a subscription?

Merlin Fleischhacker: With most TiVo models*, a TiVo with no subscription as no cable guide at all, and cannot record at all. All you can do is buffer Live TV, and watch recordings made when it had service. You will not be able to use the network remote control, or any network/Internet content features.What channels a TiVo can get is dependant on the source you connect it to, and if you have Cablecard and what channels it is subscribed to, not the subscription status of the TiVo, nor what your TV can tune itself.*The only TiVo models that do something a bit more without a subscription are old Series 1s made before August 2001 (they can manually record by time and channel), and DVD combo Series 2s except Humax models (they have 3 days guide data, limited guide and manual record functionality, and no network content features)....Show more

Mahalia Brindle: Cancel Tivo

Woodrow Neyman: This Site Might Help You.RE:Can i use Tivo without a subscription?I am going to ! cancel my tivo account when i move to college. I just wanted to know if i can record hour long programs and how long would i have the channel guide. should i update right before i cancel to stay upto date longer? would i be able to record shows using the tivo app on android even......Show more

Jamika Gregorio: The TIVO has less than 2 days programming when cancelled. You can still watcheverything you have recorded but the remote fast forward and rewind features are part of the service and won't work. Call up and tell them you are cancelling becauseit's too expensive. Wait three months and you will be offered lifetime service for ninety nine bucks. Make sure they have your email address.

Marcelle Vanlith: how long can the recording last on tivo

Warren Kotter: You *may* be able to use it like a VCR, programmed by time and channel, but I'm not totally sure. TiVo made a few units that had a minimal subscription-free service called TiVo Basic that gave 3 days o! f programming data, but no SeasonPass, WishList or other advan! ced features. I know that the Toshiba SD-H400 was one of them and I believe there is also a Humax unit as well.

Brittanie Zakutney: It will only work for 28 days after the last update connection (program guide will run out sooner than that). Of course if you connect it to Internet after you've canceled the recording library & network functions stop working immediately. Repeating guided setup or changing the listings is a separate process that doesn't require an active subscription, but without it the box is nothing more than a switchable tuner with 30 minute buffers.

