
Do you believe in divorce?

Rona Espalin: Yes!

Terrell Voltz: I don't think of people as black, white, asian or whatever. We are all just people.

Sharri Scalley: Everyday. When ever this black and Hawaiian chick comes to my desk.. I start really thinking about blacks seriously, she's beautiful. I never think about blacks unless a black chicks hot to be honest.@Miami I don't have any problems with any female from any race. I think most men feel the same if truth be told. Not a fan of black males. Just being honest.You have to admit that Rastus is racist but funny lmao!

Warren Kotter: Honestly, yes I do. I wish my mom and step dad would divorce already. All they do is fight and bicker. Every other day, their at each others throats. Yelling, and yelling. It's not good for me or my siblings. And my step dad, is a nasty jerk. They both have cheated on each other. And I think they know it. Yet they still stay together, trust me it's not for me or my siblings or their "love" for one anot! her. It disgusts me, and gives marriage a bad name.

Theresia Fashaw: i believe in the sanctity of marriage,and that all effort should be used in keeping it alive,even in adultery,there are ways to overcome the problems that arise in a marriage.the question is,are the partners willing to go through all that's necessary to restore it.EDIT-abuse may be a different issue all together

Connie Dickirson: Common Sense, I swear you didn't like black people? :Sedit: Fair Enough ...

Jon Bergmeier: they want straight hair loooooll.... no it's just that hair gets boring and girls want to change it sometimees. it has nothing to do with racee

Alecia Kaehler: pretty sure most dont think of "trying to be white" when they mess with their hair. they are just either trying something else or they think they look better with their hair straightenedim not trying to be a neo nazi but i do look better with a shaved head.

Cletus Makler: If you mean how long I sit and po! nder the African-American culture as a whole, then I would say! 0 hours.. If you mean Beyonce, then my answer is 1-2 hours daily.But, seriously, I don't sit and think about black people unless it is someone I am working with or some other interaction.

Rosio Pasculli: Nope. Work it out not walk out.

Kizzy Hett: i' pretty sure divorce exists so yes, i "believe" in it.

Jonathan Schlussel: @ Cloo -1. How does this question prove i think about white people too much, this is the first question about white people that i've asked in months lol2. Really?, my questions aren't racist lol..

Brittanie Zakutney: It's silly and naive to adamantly believe in maintaining marriage no matter what, as in even in the face of significant physical/emotional abuse or infidelity.People can get to know one another over the course of several decades and still end up getting divorced. Most divorces are not actually linked to "rushed" marriages, but due to the fact that people tend to change, along with financial and situational variables.! It's not like 50% of marriages come from quicky Vegas style weddings.However, I do believe that people often rush to divorce as an easy out without making enough of an effort to work on the marriage; people these days often don't ever view marriage as an intended permanent relationship, which is sad....Show more

Barrett Zheng: Government is bending over for those greedy, fat cat corporations!Screw those companies, the government should serve the PEOPLE, not the damn companies.

Lou Ravelo: learn to use torrents..download utorrent. and go to piratebay.org, and you can download anything. I get full albums and movies from there.

Tomeka Hameen: I agree also mental abuse

Rayford Speziale: 5 minutes

Eulah Hugill: I do, but only if the two cannot get along and respect each other, esp if children are involved. I am still with my husband only because of our children and because we have a mutual respect for each other. My children are first and if we can! live together without physical or emotional abuse I won't divorce him. ! Even though I am still young and could find another relationship, I don't want shared custody of my children, I need to be with them everyday. When you decide to have children, you have to put your wants and desires after their needs....Show more

Giovanni Malool: The gov't shut that place down, I am so pissed.

Bob Nakamoto: ZeroBut this question proves you think about white people way too much. As do all your racist answers to questions.I said answers, not questions. Learn to read, yeah? ¬¬ You love answering questions about white people with your "opinions" of us. Which happen to all be bad....Show more

Lucien Hellerman: Um. A white girl with straight hair maybe???who are girls with straight hair trying to be when they curl it??

Rubi Romo: My husband divorced me cause I ate all his food all the time,

Jimmie Doerfler: I use Frostwire. ^_^

Gerardo Greist: when ever i pop up limewire it says legal notice etc....

Inge Mclaurine: Not ! whiter per se, just less Jewish.

Ivan Velazquez: naa

Frances Macky: No, when I marry it'll be forever. I'm the monogamous sort though. Not for religious reasons like the bible says we should stay married forever, just because when I get married, I want it forever.

Madge Voice: The same amount of hours black people think about white people.

Caterina Yeargan: I never just think about black people as a race. Your confusing real life people with Yahoo clowns.

Mario Stricklan: when white women try to be attractive they straighten their hair.when black women try to look attractive they curl it thats just the way it is.

Brian Freedland: if it still worked. You'd get free music!

Eliseo Luma: They already set up a new one, limewire was closed down. I can't remember the name of the new one but my friend was telling me about it yesterday..

William Vickerman: Yes, in some cases divorce is necessary.

Jen Maday: I only think of them w! hen I see one and once a year when I go see my doctor. Whats to think a! bout? People are people to me.

Doreatha Kjellsen: truly, very little time spent on this, too busy enjoying people

Conrad Puleio: You will rip a hole in the universe..Limewire has been shut down. Quit stealing and buy a freegin CD.Support the artists you like....Show more

Dick Ovdenk: lol no they're just trying to tame their hair. and black people do it for the same reason. white girl frizz gets annoying and staticky

An Cardine: Whats an average amount of hours you think of black people cus it does seem alot and maybe too much (for some)..

Janeen Perona: A giant inflatable fist comes out of your computer and wacks you right in the kisser.

Dwight Siniard: I'm not trying to be racist. But why is it people assume white people are the only ones with straight hair and that all of them have it, so when black women want straight hair they hate their race and want to be white

Dwight Siniard: I personally married for keeps. I want to grow old! with my husband.

Ervin Laeger: I've never heard that before, it's just fun to play with hair.

Donnell Nocella: I hate the free love stance of if you don't like it move on.The children always get screwed up hating some one or hating their mom/dad.

Chadwick Schmelz: No, it is so much better to stay in a hate fill relationship until you die. It makes you appreciate death more.

Ewa Homrich: Curly hair is ridiculed in society. That's why so many women try to hide it.

Amina Motzer: no one is trying to be another race. women like to look different every once in a while and change it up.

Ronnie Barcus: No. I don't believe in divorce. I think that if you had taken the time to get to know the person truly inside and out, then you would have known what you were getting into before you got married. Most divorces result when people rush the relationship and truly don't know their partner. People who take their time learn to deal with each other and t! heir differences.

Jackson Esmiol: is this a riddle? is the answer! well groomed humans?

Donte Schoenhals: I always here black women are trying to be white when they get straight hair. So what are curly haired white girls trying to be Whiter?

